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15TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY in San Diego (Day Three)

On this day we were able to go out with one of Mark's coworkers and her husband on their yacht!  They took us on a 4 hour tour of the San Diego Harbor.  It was so much fun!

 We got to see all the different military ships that were docked in the harbor.  Our amazing hosts knew all about each one.

On the top deck of this ship, a little to the left side of it, you may notice a person standing there. He actually had some kind of artillery aimed at each boat that passed (including us).  No wrong moves from us...

 That's the bridge going over to Coronodo Island in the background.

 Their labradoodle, Abby.

 The Star of India

 A seal we saw pretending to be a shark (a lot of these seals would lay sideways in the water like that).

The inside of this boat was so amazing!  It had 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, and living area, with a nice little deck out back.  We stayed up above for most of the trip so we could see everything.  Our hosts were so sweet!  They brought lunch along and we had so much fun chatting and getting to know them better.  They knew so much about San Diego (they come stay on their boat every other weekend).  They invited us to do it again the next time we come with the kids.  I know our kids would flip!

 The beautiful Hotel Del Coronado

 The name of their boat was Comfortably Numb.  Before we left they gave us visors with the name embroidered on them.  So cute!

After leaving the boat, we went to walk around at the Seaport Village.  After being out in the sun all day we were exhausted, so we went back and had a nice nap at the hotel before getting ready for dinner.

Dinner was at

Bertrand at Mister A's

.  Yet another amazing meal with a spectacular view!  The restaurant sits on the 12th floor up on a hill overlooking all of San Diego and the bay.

 They brought this out to us at the end of our meal.

 We took these pictures on the restaurant terrace as the sun was setting.

 You could see the pilot as the planes flew by!

After that we drove out to Coronado Island to walk on the beach in the moonlight - very romantic!  I love these pictures we got on the Coronado side of the harbor looking back at downtown San Diego.

I love the way the moon was reflecting off the ocean in this photo - with the sailboats and the Coronado bridge in the background.