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Bobcat Boy

Kyle is really getting into Cub Scouts.  That program is just MADE for little boys to learn, grow, and have SO MUCH FUN DOING IT!  Here he is at Pack Meeting this month...

It was kind of a big night for him because he was receiving his Bobcat Badge!  The Cubmaster put him on this pedestal.  Kyle is such a ham!

I got to come up and stand with him while he got his award.

With the award, he received a "Mother's Pin" he pinned on me...

Like I ham!  LOVE this guy!!

Then the Cubmaster had us a play a game where I had to toss a toilet paper roll to Kyle from across the room, and he had to catch it with his eyes closed...

He missed the first roll, but caught it the second time.  Way to go!

My dad was there to watch Kyle get his award.  He works with the Boy Scouts in his ward, so he came appropriately decked out.  He fit right in!  My parents are so supportive of my kids.  They come to everything...and that is no small feat!