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a boy and his bike

Do little boys ever grow up?  I don't think so.  They may get taller, and get jobs, and have kids of their own...but I don't think they ever grow up.  My husband for example... he has so much fun going out to ride bikes a couple times a week with his buddies.  He gets up at 5:30 in the morning just for the privilege (that's how you have to do it when at 5:30am its 100 degrees outside, and the rest of the day will only get hotter).  I'm really glad he has found something he loves (besides golf).  With golfing I lose him for most of the day - biking is only 2 to 3 hours.  But seriously, it is so good for him, and something for him to look forward to.  He puts in some serious hours at work, dealing with some very sad situations at times.  He works hard, and he enjoys playing hard.

These shots were taken when he rode his bike to the ball field to watch Kyle's baseball game.