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Colton's a BEAR

Today Colton became a bear.

Just in case you misunderstand...that's a good thing.  He's been working at it for quite some time.

I am speaking of course of Cub Scouts.  Colton attends cubs once a week and works on all sorts of fun things.  He is learning how to be a good citizen, a good family member, and all sorts of fun things like camping, safety, games, BB guns, archery, and many others.  So at Pack Meeting this month they honored his achievement...

 Mother's always get a pin also - for helping their sons achieve their rank.  Colton is pinning it on.  As a mom you learn to hold your shirt away from your chest (so you don't get poked).  There was a time where Bryan accidentally dropped the backing for the pin and it fell down my shirt...I waited to fish it out until I could do it discretely after I sat down.  He was a little embarrassed and was glad I didn't let on what had happened.  But that didn't stop me from teasing him about it.

 After being presented with his award he was asked to give the audience a great big bear was a good one!