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Coming home from the birthday!

This morning we left the Disney Fantasy for real life.  Awww!  We had a yummy breakfast at Animator's Palate restaurant onboard the ship where they had a fun surprise.  Everyone in the restaurant was given a special sheet of paper on which were were supposed to draw a character of our choosing (stick figure or whatever).  We did this before ordering our food.  At the end of breakfast they showed a video on the big TV screens where they had animated all of the characters we had drawn.  We watched our stick figures do all kinds of acrobatics onscreen.  It was amazing!

Since today was also my birthday, they sang Happy Birthday to me and gave me a Happy Birthday pin to stick on my clothes.  Everyone was so sweet!

We spent the day traveling home.  My parents picked us up from the airport.  When we got back to our house my parents surprised me with a birthday cake and a present my mom had made - a special heat resistant travel case for my flat iron!

After coming home, I had a few days to prepare for the upcoming Pioneer Trek.  That was ALOT of preparation to do!