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Cub Scout Day Camp 2013

As a counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency, I was put in charge of the Cub Scout Day Camp this year.  It was a tall order that I never could have done without the major help of the rest of our Presidency.  They are some talented women I'm telling ya!  They had the vision to see the possibilities and then to make those dreams a reality.  

Our theme was "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles".  Along with all the regular classes being offered, which allowed those boys to pass off a HUGE amount of requirements, we had all kinds of fun stuff for them.

We had a myriad of fancy cars people had brought over and parked in the church parking lot, most of which the owners left unlocked and encouraged the boys to come sit in them.  We had a fancy Porsche, Mustang, Corvette, a beautiful motorcycle, a really old historical police car, and several antique type trucks, and a couple more sports cars.  The boys were in heaven.  I should also probably mention that our opening ceremonies started with a huge army vehicle being driven into the parking lot where all the boys were gathered.  On board was our Stake Presidency.  So cool!

The boys also got to ride two "trains" made from multiple plastic barrels being driven by golf carts.  You should have heard them whooping and hollering as they were being driven around the parking lot.

One of the rotations had the boys doing "airplane races".  They sat inside boxes decorated like planes, which were then placed on furniture dollies which were attached to a rope.  One boy would grab the rope and run, dragging another boy in the "plane" behind him.  This sent more boys tumbling off as they were racing.  There was a stream of them heading to our camp nurse for bandaids where they had scraped up their arms, but not one complaint.  They were all smiles!!  No one wanted to stop!

The police came and did a class for the boys.  We had an airplane pilot talk to the boys.  He brought his flight helmet, which the boys thought was awesome!  Our local fire department was there most of the time with their big firetruck, talking to the boys and letting them climb all over and inside their truck.

The highlight was the tethered hot air balloon ride.  We had someone in our Stake donate his time and the use of his hot air balloon to give rides to every single boy, and also many of the leaders.  For most people, that is a once in a lifetime experience!  These boys (and us leaders I must say!) looked forward to this for months!  Here is Kyle when it was his turn to go up with his Den...

You probably can't see, but Kyle is up there waving at me...

Since there was still some fuel left after all the cubs had a turn, our Presidency called our families to come go up with us!  My kids were over the moon!

Not all of us could go at the same time, so Mark went right after I went up with the kids.  See his paper airplane he took up to throw down?  Some kids never really grow up :)

One of my friends snapped a picture of me at our closing ceremonies as I was wrapping things up.  Totally fun day!