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Now that Bryan's older, his soccer games are in the evenings.  I like that a whole lot better than the blistering Phoenix heat midday (when my younger kids play).  We love going Friday nights to his games.  We get to watch him flirt with the girls on his team...

He's become a pretty amazing soccer player.  Soccer is his favorite sport.  This year he got to play for a coach he also played with last year.  He's a great coach, and Bryan has learned so much playing for him.  The kids he played with were also great.  My parents also attended almost every game.  Bryan is a lot of fun to watch!

The beginnings of the games gave us this view of the sun setting over the was beautiful...every single game.

Bryan is a great example to his younger sister and brothers.  He is a responsible, fun, strong, amazing kid that I feel lucky to have as my oldest.

I absolutely love the midnight blue color of the sky when the sunlight is almost completely gone.  It's the most deep, beautiful blue color.

Bryan has some pretty amazing speed.  He can catch up to pretty much anyone.  He comes out of nowhere and gets to that ball.  He is so fast!

Can't wait to watch you play soccer again, Bryan!