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Fun stuff in May

This month I got to chaperone Kyle's class on their field trim to the Musical Instrument Museum.  This place was HUGE and had every instrument from all over the world - thousands of instruments.  Really neat!   

 Before the Phoenix summer set in full bore, we decided to hit the zoo, just me, Colton, and Kyle (Morgan and Bryan are not as into the zoo anymore as they used to be when they were younger - which is fine because it gave me more individual time with these two!).  I love that my kids still like to pose for pictures - they actually ask me to take them.  Makes it easy to document our family!

Colton is working so hard in Boy Scouts.  As an 11-year-old Scout, he is well on his way to earning his Eagle.  His goal is to get it before he's 14, and I'm pretty sure he'll do it!

I always love watching my kids in their school musical programs each year.  They're just so darn cute, and they practice so hard to show off for their parents!  My cutie Kyle is on the top row, 4th from the left...

For Mother's Day, Kyle surprised me by pulling me out to the backyard where he had created a little sign out of blue painters tape, and he sang and played an original song for me he had him!  He also gave me the CUTEST homemade card!

I was the photographer for Colton's football team.  This was a great team, full of Colton's best friends from our ward, and coached by our Stake President and Scoutmaster!  How perfect is that!  They all had such a blast together!

One of the things I love about Kyle is he is extremely creative.  On this weekend, he grabbed a cardboard box and started cutting out pieces and putting them together to create a table.  He spent HOURS, nonstop, working on it.  He was so focused and it was so fun to see him measuring and reinforcing his table to make sure it would stay standing, even with weight on it.  

A table so good that he could actually eat a bowl of cereal at it, with a gallon of milk and the cereal box sitting on it too!  Can you tell how proud he is?  Almost as proud as his mom...almost.

I happened to look out my office window one day and saw Morgan like this...still fully clothed, sucking on her Circle K drink, staying cool.

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!  WOO HOO!  This was a day full of games and treats.  Kyle had the most magnificent teacher this year.  She was so fun!  We love, love, love Ms. Richie!!!