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Grandma's Special SANTA COOKIES

When I was growing up, my siblings and I took piano lessons from Sister Andersen.  She was an amazingly talented pianist and teacher.  Every Christmas she would hand out these very cute Santa sugar cookies that were so sweetly decorated.  We LOVED them and looked forward to them every year.  As many times as my mom asked, she would not share the recipe or where to get the special cookie cutter with my mom.

Last year my mom surprised my siblings and I with the special cookie cutter and the recipe as a Christmas gift.  She had also made up a whole bunch of the cookies to share.  She was so excited and so were we!!

This year she invited our family over to decorate the cookies with her and my dad.  She explained how to paint the hat, cheeks, and lips with the red food coloring.  Then you frost the hat and beard and sprinkle them with coconut.  Next you add little mini chocolate chips for the eyes & done!

Here is my mom explaining how to decorate the cookies...

Fun AND yummy - the perfect combination!!