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On Kyle's birthday, I surprised him and his class at school with ice cream sandwiches to celebrate!  Can you tell he's excited?

That night we let him invite a couple of friends over to celebrate with us at our family party.  I asked Kyle the day before what he wanted on his cake.  His answer?  Oreos, gummy bears, and sprinkles of course!

I bought the candles that keep relighting themselves.  It was SO FUNNY!  You can see Kyle's expression change in the following pictures...he couldn't believe the flames kept coming back!

My sister, Brittany, was in town and had gotten Kyle some pool toys.  He was so excited!  Those are ALWAYS in demand around here.

Kyle's final gift from us was a Flicker "Y" Scooter!  He was over the moon!  That thing is fun!  Even I HAD to try it out!