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Morgan is 12!

According to Morgan she is now an official teenager.  Don't try telling her the teenage years start when the number ends in "teen".  You will never convince her.  It is amazing how much she has GROWN this year.  She's almost as tall as I am!  She is becoming such an amazing young woman.  I am so proud of her.  Here are some pics from her big day.

This was a series of books she had been asking for - the Pendragon series.

Later that weekend Morgan had a party with her friends.

 These girls were SO funny to watch.  They had a blast, giggling as they jumped off the rocks making silly faces and poses for me.

lighting the candles for her cake...

opening presents from her friends...

Some things I LOVE about Morgan:

1)  She is an AMAZING writer.  She writes as well as many novelists I've read.  She really could make a living at it.  She is SO descriptive.

2)  She has a heart of gold when it comes to little kids.  She will be an amazing mother.

3)  She has a natural ability for organizing and beautifying our home.

4)  She can do hairstyles like nobody's business.  I've had some of MY friends say that can't wait to see how she decides to style her hair at church each Sunday.  It's always beautiful and creative.

5)  She is a gifted artist.  She draws amazing and beautiful pictures!