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From ‘I Need my Diet Coke’ to ‘I’ve Got This’—Natural energy boosts you can feel good about!

We all have days where it’s just hard to get going. And let’s be real, as a mom, it feels like those days happen more often than not! Maybe you’re not getting enough sleep because your little one had a nightmare (again!), or perhaps you’ve hit that dreaded afternoon funk. Whatever the reason, sometimes we need a little extra help to feel our best.  

Now, I’m not someone who’s ever turned to caffeine for an energy boost. I try to get enough sleep so I can have the energy I need. But even with the best intentions, things like travel, late nights, or just sleeping in a different bed can mess with my routine. It’s times like these that I truly appreciate having natural tools on hand.   

That's why I love doTERRA’s products—they’re a natural way to support your body without the nasty side effects. For example, did you know that relying on melatonin supplements regularly can cause your body to stop producing its own melatonin? Yikes! But doTERRA’s Sleep System doesn’t do that. Instead, it helps provide the body with what it needs so it can make its own melatonin. No down-regulating here! 🙌  

If sleep isn’t your main issue but nutrition or energy is, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered. The Lifelong Vitality Pack is perfect for filling in those nutritional gaps, and MetaPWR Collagen and Mito2Max are fantastic for boosting your mood and energy levels. Whether you need to snap out of that afternoon slump or just want to feel more like yourself, these products work with your body to help you feel your best.  

So, where do you start? Pick what you think your body needs the most help with and go from there. Maybe it’s better sleep, more balanced nutrition, or a little energy boost. Start with one product, see how it makes a difference, and then you can always add more. Let’s build that healthy foundation together, one step at a time! 💪🌿

Top Natural Ways to boost your Energy

Serenity Sleep System

Alright, let’s talk about something we all need more of—sleep! If you’re like me, you’ve probably tried every trick in the book to catch some quality zzz’s. Well, say hello to your new bedtime besties: the doTERRA Serenity Sleep System. This isn’t just about feeling cozy; it’s about giving your body the support it needs to naturally get the rest it craves.

1. Serenity Restful Blend Essential Oil: 

This blend is a sleep superstar, thanks to its scientifically-backed ingredients. It features Lavender, Cedarwood, and Ylang Ylang, which research shows can reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. Lavender alone has been shown to positively affect sleep by calming the nervous system. Diffuse this blend before bed or inhale it directly for a soothing, natural way to help your body wind down. Your sleep environment just got an upgrade!

2. Serenity Restful Blend Softgels: 

These little guys pack a punch with their blend of Lavender essential oil, L-Theanine, and tart cherry. L-Theanine is an amino acid known for promoting relaxation without sedation, while tart cherry is rich in melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate your sleep cycle. Studies have shown that tart cherry can improve sleep duration and quality. Take one or two of these softgels before bed, and you’re giving your body the perfect support for a restful night’s sleep.

3. Serenity Sleep Stick + Valerian: 

This stick combines the Serenity Restful Blend with Valerian root, which has been used for centuries to support relaxation and sleep. Valerian is known for its calming effects and is backed by research that shows it can improve sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. Apply it to your feet and pulse points before bed to create a calming ritual that signals to your body that it’s time to unwind.

So, if you’re ready to trade those sleepless nights for some scientifically-supported sweet dreams, give the Serenity Sleep System a try. It’s like hitting the reset button on your sleep, with the added bonus of natural, effective ingredients to help you rest easy. Here’s to better sleep and feeling fabulous! 🌙💤

Lifelong Vitality

Alright, ladies, let me spill the beans on one of doTERRA’s top-selling treasures: the Lifelong Vitality Pack. If you’ve ever felt like your diet is missing something—or maybe you just need a little extra boost—this pack is a total game-changer. It’s like having a nutritionist, energy booster, and mood lifter all rolled into one convenient package!

So, what makes this pack so special? It’s not just another vitamin supplement. It’s designed to fill in the gaps that our typical “American” diet often leaves behind. In fact, if you were to purchase this in a different country, it would have different ingredients! DoTERRA looks at they typical diet in each country, and formulates this to fit. I think that's truly incredible. Here’s the breakdown:

1. Microplex VMz: 

This is your vitamin and nutrient powerhouse, formulated with whole foods so your body can actually recognize and use the nutrients. Think of it as a mini-meal packed with the good stuff, made from real food sources. It’s like giving your body a nourishing hug every day.

2. xEO Mega: 

This part is all about Omega 3’s, 6’s, and 9’s—essential fatty acids that your body needs but doesn’t always get enough of from diet alone. If you’re already taking fish oil, this is a fantastic upgrade. If you’re not taking fish oil yet, well, you might want to start! The xEO Mega is blended with essential oils to help with inflammation and keep your heart and brain in top shape. It’s like giving your body a tune-up.

3. Alpha CRS+: 

This supplement is the ultimate cellular support. Packed with essential oils known for their anti-inflammatory properties, it helps your body fight off pain and supports overall health. Think of it as a gentle nudge for your body’s systems to perform at their best. 

And here’s the cherry on top: if you don’t notice improvements in pain, energy, mood, or sleep after 30 days, doTERRA will refund your money 100%. That’s right—no risk, all reward!

So, if you’re ready to boost your energy, reduce discomfort, and just feel better overall, the Lifelong Vitality Pack might just be your new best friend. It’s like having a little wellness helper that works with your body to make sure you’re feeling fabulous every day. Cheers to feeling amazing, mama! 🌟💪

MetaPWR Collagen +NMN

Okay, if you’ve been searching for that magic solution to help you feel your best and look fabulous, doTERRA’s MetaPWR Advantage Collagen +NMN is here for you. This isn’t just another supplement; it’s a comprehensive powerhouse designed to help you stay vibrant and youthful, no matter how busy life gets!

Here’s What Makes It Special:

1. Metabolism Magic: 

MetaPWR Advantage Collagen +NMN is packed with NMN and resveratrol, which boost NADH and NAD+ production in your body. These are essential for keeping your metabolism in top shape and activating your SIRT longevity genes. Think of it as a tune-up for your metabolism, helping you stay energized and feeling fabulous throughout your day.

2. Collagen Kick: 

This supplement features nine types of marine collagen, each with a special role:

 - Type I enhances skin beauty.

 - Type II supports bone and cartilage health.

 - Type IV keeps your skin layers connected and flexible.

 - Type V stabilizes collagen structures.

 - Type VI supports muscle function and cell integrity.

 - Type IX is crucial for cartilage health.

 - Type XXV helps fight against amyloid beta (linked to Alzheimer’s—amazing, right?).

 - Col1a2 promotes collagen fibrillin.

 - Vacuolar protein sorting 37A supports cell growth.

3. Extra Boost: 

With marine collagen, liposomal Vitamin C, sea buckthorn fruit extract, and a blend of essential oils (like grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, ginger, and cinnamon bark), this isn’t just a beauty booster—it’s a full-body revitalizer. Plus, it’s hydrolyzed for superior absorption, with over 70% tripeptide fragments, making it far more effective than other collagens on the market.

So why not give MetaPWR Advantage Collagen +NMN a try? When paired with the Lifelong Vitality Pack, it’s like hitting the refresh button on your whole self. Feel more energized, less achy, and more radiant—all with natural, high-quality ingredients. Here’s to embracing every day with a little extra sparkle and vitality! 🌟💪✨

Mito2Max Energy & Stamina Complex

I know, I know—some days, it feels like you’re running on empty, and no amount of caffeine or chocolate seems to help. Enter doTERRA’s MetaPWR Mito2Max Energy & Stamina Complex. This little gem is more than just a pick-me-up; it’s a powerhouse of ingredients designed to tackle fatigue and support your energy levels, so you can keep up with those never-ending to-do lists and busy kids.

So, What Makes Mito2Max Stand Out? 

First off, it’s packed with a blend of ingredients that are like a dream team for your energy and stamina. Think of MetaPWR Mito2Max as a personal trainer for your cells! It includes: 

  • MetaPWR Metabolic Blend

  • pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)

  • acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC)

  • coenzyme Q10 

These aren’t just fancy words—research shows that PQQ can support brain function and memory, making it easier to keep track of those ever-elusive grocery lists or your kids’ schedules. ALC and coenzyme Q10 help boost energy production at the cellular level and support cardiovascular health, so you’re not just feeling better; you’re supporting your whole body’s vitality.

Here’s the Science Bit:

PQQ promotes the creation of new mitochondria (the powerhouses of your cells), which means better energy production where it counts. ALC and coenzyme Q10 play vital roles in your body’s energy processes and heart health. And don’t worry—these capsules are free from sodium lauryl sulfate, milk, wheat, and animal products, so they’re gentle on your system and easy on your tummy.

In Short: Mito2Max is like your secret weapon for fighting fatigue and staying energized, without the crash or jitters. Whether you’re juggling school drop-offs, work, or just life in general, it helps keep you at your best so you can handle whatever the day throws your way. Give it a try and see how it helps you power through your busy days with a bit more pep in your step!

I hope you found these tips and product highlights as exciting as I do! Whether you’re looking to banish fatigue, improve your sleep, or just give your body a little extra support, doTERRA’s products like MetaPWR Mito2Max, Lifelong Vitality Pack, and Collagen + NMN are here to help. They’re designed to fit seamlessly into your life, supporting you in feeling your best every single day.

So, why wait? Start with the product that calls out to you the most, and let’s kick those tired feelings to the curb! If you have any questions or need help picking out the perfect products for your needs, I’m here for you. Just reach out, and let’s find the best solutions for you and your family together.

Here’s to feeling fabulous and keeping up with all the amazing chaos of motherhood!

P.S. If you’re eager to dive in, check out the link below to get started or drop me a message for personalized recommendations!

helpful video:

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Shop for any of the items we've talked about today, or browse the collection of all doTERRA products and grab any others you would like to try.

For those in the continental USA, I'll also send you the Advanced Oil Magic reference book as a free gift!

This book is over 300 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. Inside you'll find:

  • 600 quick reference Ailments & Conditions

  • Uses & oil hacks for Single Oils & Oil Blends

  • Hundreds of recipes, diffuser blends, & DIY’s

  • Lifestyle Protocols

  • 105 serious Ailment Protocols

  • Incredible Emotions & Energy usage

  • Gorgeous Essential Oil Science made useful & practical

  • QR Sharable Videos on your favorite essential oils

BEGIN by looking up your ailments and conditions. Try one or a few of the oils suggested. THEN get serious by following protocols, which give you the exact recipes you need to get big results with your oils.

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