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Scouting Jamb-o-rama

The district scouting program put on a wonderful day of scouting activities for all scouting age boys and their families.  It was a huge event that we had a blast at!  Bryan took off early on with one of his friends to do "big boy" stuff.  I stuck with Colton and Kyle to find activities for their age group.  I went thinking we would only stay a couple of hours - we ended up staying the entire day!  These boys passed off all kinds of things, but more importantly they had a blast!

Blue Bell Ice Cream - it doesn't get any better than that!

learning to fold the American flag

shooting rubberband guns

blowing marshmallow guns

Life Saving - "Reach-Throw-Go"

racing Raingutter Regatta boats

How to Change A Tire

Check out that tongue!  Kyle always does that when he's concentrating.  Too cute!!

a cool tool for braiding string into all kinds of things