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Struggling with weight and energy? Discover how to boost your metabolism naturally!

Have you ever noticed that sticking to a healthy eating plan feels harder as we get older? It's like, "Wait, I used to eat pizza and ice cream with zero consequences, and now my metabolism seems to be slowing down just as fast as my patience with my kids' messy rooms!" 😂 Hormonal changes, a slowing metabolism, and years of trying everything under the sun without seeing lasting results—it's no wonder many of us feel like we're constantly fighting an uphill battle when it comes to our health.

But guess what? It doesn’t have to be that way! Just because our bodies are changing doesn’t mean we can’t be in control of our metabolic health. In fact, did you know that a recent survey revealed only 6.8% of US adults have optimal cardiometabolic health? 😱 According to metabolic experts, there’s a lot we can do to improve our metabolic health, which in turn impacts everything from energy levels and mood to sleep, weight, and even the appearance of our skin.

So, let’s get excited about what we can ADD to our daily routines to help us feel our best! 🌟 Today, I'm sharing some amazing doTERRA products that I use every single day to boost my metabolism and feel awesome. I’m talking about sleep, and also incorporating the MetaPWR products: Assist, Advantage Collagen + NMN, MetaPWR Softgels for cravings, and Recharge electrolytes. These aren't just any supplements—they’re formulated with the purest, highest-quality ingredients, all third-party tested to ensure they actually work and are safe for your family. 🙌

And let me tell you, from personal experience, these products have been a game-changer for me. I've felt incredible energy, noticed healthier skin, and my hair growth? Let's just say I've got more ponytail than I know what to do with! 😂 Plus, they’ve been a key part of my journey to a healthier, more vibrant me.

Ready to give your metabolism the love it deserves? Reach out for a consultation to find out which products are best for you, or if you're ready to jump in, I've got a link that’ll save you 25% on all the products. Let’s do this together!

Cheers to feeling fabulous! Read on to learn more about what these can do for you.

Top Natural Ways to boost your Metabolic Health

GREAT sleep is your #1 tool to boost metabolism:

Let’s talk about something we all crave but never seem to get enough of—sleep. I know, I know. As moms, we’re pros at staying up late to fold that last load of laundry or waking up early to sneak in a workout. But let me tell you a little secret: if it’s a choice between hitting the snooze button or hitting the gym, your bed is where you should be.

Here’s why: sleep is like the behind-the-scenes crew that keeps everything in your body running smoothly. Think of it like the unsung hero of your favorite TV show—you don’t see it working, but without it, everything falls apart.

When we skimp on sleep, our hormones start acting like toddlers who missed nap time: cranky, unpredictable, and ready to wreak havoc. Seriously, poor sleep can mess with your metabolism, slow down your brain function, and even make your body store fat like it’s preparing for a long winter. Yikes!

So, before you trade those precious hours of shut-eye for an early morning sweat session, remember that sleep is your body’s reset button. It keeps your hormones happy, your immune system strong, and your mind sharp—basically, it makes sure you can keep being the superhero mom you are without feeling like you’re running on fumes.

And hey, if you need a little help getting those zzz’s, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve that have made a world of difference for me and my family. Trust me, there’s nothing like a good night's sleep to make everything else fall into place! 🌙✨

1. Serenity Restful Blend Essential Oil: 

This blend is a sleep superstar, thanks to its scientifically-backed ingredients. It features Lavender, Cedarwood, and Ylang Ylang, which research shows can reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. Lavender alone has been shown to positively affect sleep by calming the nervous system. Diffuse this blend before bed or inhale it directly for a soothing, natural way to help your body wind down. Your sleep environment just got an upgrade!

2. Serenity Restful Blend Softgels: 

These little guys pack a punch with their blend of Lavender essential oil, L-Theanine, and tart cherry. L-Theanine is an amino acid known for promoting relaxation without sedation, while tart cherry is rich in melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate your sleep cycle. Studies have shown that tart cherry can improve sleep duration and quality. Take one or two of these softgels before bed, and you’re giving your body the perfect support for a restful night’s sleep.

3. Serenity Sleep Stick + Valerian: 

This stick combines the Serenity Restful Blend with Valerian root, which has been used for centuries to support relaxation and sleep. Valerian is known for its calming effects and is backed by research that shows it can improve sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. Apply it to your feet and pulse points before bed to create a calming ritual that signals to your body that it’s time to unwind.

So, if you’re ready to trade those sleepless nights for some scientifically-supported sweet dreams, give the Serenity Sleep System a try. 🌙💤

MetaPWR Metabolic Assist:

Let’s chat about something that might just blow your mind (and make your jeans a little looser)—blood sugar control. Now, I know what you’re thinking, "Blood sugar? Isn’t that something my grandma talks about?" Well, stick with me here, because this is about to get good!

Imagine you’ve just indulged in your favorite carb-loaded meal—like that bowl of pasta that’s as big as your head. Normally, this would send your blood sugar on a wild rollercoaster ride: up, up, up it goes, and then down it crashes, leaving you feeling like you need a nap right on your kitchen floor. But what if I told you there’s a way to turn that wild ride into a gentle, scenic drive?

Enter this magical little product that works behind the scenes like your personal carb coach. Instead of letting your body slam dunk those carbs straight into sugar city, it says, “Hey, slow down there, partner.” It actually slows the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose, giving you a nice, steady energy curve instead of a sugar spike that has you bouncing off the walls one minute and reaching for another snack the next.

For my science-loving mamas, here’s the deal: It turns fast carbs (the kind that make your blood sugar do the cha-cha) into slow carbs (the kind that keep things nice and mellow). And if you really want to geek out, you can even slap on one of those continuous blood glucose monitors and watch the magic happen in real-time. Spoiler alert: it’s pretty amazing to see those stable levels all day long!

All it takes is popping 1-2 capsules with your biggest meal, or if you’re looking to make bigger changes, you can take one with every meal. Each little capsule is packed with the MetaPWR blend, plus Mulberry leaf extract and Cinnamon Bark powder, which help your body handle carbs like a champ. So, not only might you notice fewer of those pesky blood sugar spikes, but you might also feel more energized throughout the day without that midday slump!

I’m telling you, it’s like giving your metabolism a pep talk and saying, “Hey, you’ve got this!” So, why not give it a try and see how it can change your day? You might just find yourself with a little extra pep in your step—and who doesn’t want that? 🌿✨

MetaPWR Collagen +NMN

Remember when we could eat an entire pizza in our 20s and not even think twice about it? Ah, the good old days! But now, if I so much as *look* at a donut, my jeans start protesting. If you're in the same boat, I’ve got something that might just help us out.

Meet MetaPWR Advantage—basically your metabolism’s new best friend. As we get older, our metabolism likes to take things a little slower, which is super frustrating when you’re trying to keep up with life and a closet full of clothes that don’t want to zip. But here’s the scoop: MetaPWR Advantage helps give your metabolism that extra nudge it needs to keep things moving.

This little gem is packed with some serious science-backed ingredients, like NMN and resveratrol, which are all about boosting those NAD+ levels in your body. Now, I know that sounds super scientific, but think of NAD+ as your metabolism's personal cheerleader. It keeps all your cells energized and firing on all cylinders, which means more energy for you, better weight management, and a clearer head to remember why you walked into the kitchen in the first place.

But wait, there’s more! This isn’t just any metabolism booster—it’s loaded with nine types of marine collagen, and each type has its own special job. Type I collagen helps keep your skin looking fabulous, while type II is all about strong bones and happy joints. Plus, with collagen type VI, we’re supporting muscle function and keeping oxidative damage at bay—hello, stronger and leaner body!

And we can’t forget about the extra goodies like liposomal vitamin C, sea buckthorn fruit extract, and essential oils like grapefruit and ginger. All these help your body process what you eat more efficiently and keep your energy levels steady throughout the day. No more post-lunch slumps!

The best part? This collagen isn’t your basic run-of-the-mill type. It’s sustainably sourced from cold-water marine fish and is hydrolyzed to create tiny tripeptide fragments that your body can easily absorb. We’re talking up to 12 times more absorbable than other collagens out there—so you’re getting maximum benefits with every sip.

So if you’re ready to give your metabolism a boost and feel like the energized, unstoppable mom you are, MetaPWR Advantage could be just what you need. Who knew boosting your metabolism could be this easy? Give it a try, and let’s make those jeans happy again! 🚀✨

For cravings:

Let’s talk about something we all know too well—those pesky cravings. You know, the ones that hit right around 3 p.m. when you’ve just survived a morning of virtual meetings or kid wrangling, and suddenly all you can think about is diving headfirst into a bag of chips or a pint of ice cream. Been there, done that, right? Well, I’ve got a little something that might help you out!

Enter MetaPWR Metabolic Blend Softgels—a.k.a. your new secret weapon against cravings. These little gems are filled with a blend of essential oils like grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, ginger, and cinnamon bark, all packed into an easy-to-swallow capsule. They’re like a little burst of willpower in a bottle!

So, what’s the scoop with these softgels? Basically, they’re designed to help you manage those cravings and support your metabolism. The blend of oils inside isn’t just there to make you feel fancy—it actually works to help reduce those stubborn fat cells and protect your body from oxidative stress. I know, sounds a bit science-y, but think of it like this: it’s like having a tiny army of helpers inside your body, working to keep everything balanced and running smoothly. 

And here’s the best part: these softgels are free from all the junk we don’t want in our bodies. No GMOs, no soy, no preservatives, no dairy, no gluten, and definitely no artificial sweeteners or flavors. Just pure goodness to help you stay on track with your health goals.

But wait, there’s more! Not only do these softgels help curb those cravings, but they also support a healthy digestive system and can even improve your exercise performance. Imagine having the energy to keep up with your workouts *and* the willpower to say no to that third cookie. It’s like having your cake and not eating it too—literally!

So if you’re tired of battling those mid-afternoon snack attacks and want to give your metabolism a little boost, MetaPWR Metabolic Blend Softgels might just be what you need. Give them a try, and let’s kick those cravings to the curb together! 🍋💪

MetaPWR Recharge electrolyte mix:

Let’s chat about something super simple but often overlooked—hydration. I mean, I know you’ve got a million things on your mind, from packing lunches to remembering which kid needs to wear what color for Spirit Day. But let’s be real—if you’re anything like me, remembering to drink enough water sometimes feels like just another chore on the endless to-do list.

Here’s the thing: our bodies are about two-thirds water, which is kind of a big deal. Water does all sorts of amazing things for us—like lubricating our joints (you know, so we can keep chasing after those little ones), aiding digestion (because who has time for an upset stomach?), and keeping our metabolism running smoothly. It also helps flush out all the yucky stuff and keeps our skin looking fresh and fabulous.

But here’s the kicker: just drinking water isn’t enough. We also need electrolytes to keep our cells happy and hydrated. You know how you feel when you’re dragging around like a zombie? Yeah, that’s probably because you’re not getting enough of those magic little minerals that keep everything in balance. Turns out, about 75% of people are dehydrated, missing out on key electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium. Who knew, right?

That’s where MetaPWR Recharge comes in. Think of it like your new hydration BFF. It’s packed with a balanced blend of electrolytes—plus some fancy stuff like baobab extract and deep-ocean minerals from the Pacific Ocean. (Yes, we’re talking minerals from the Kuroshio Current—fancy, I know!) These goodies help your body make the most out of every sip, so you don’t have to work so hard to stay hydrated.

And did I mention it comes in a delicious wild strawberry flavor? It’s like a little treat for your taste buds while giving your body the hydrating power it needs. Plus, it fits right into the MetaPWR system, boosting your energy and making sure you’re ready to tackle whatever the day throws your way.

So, if you’re ready to up your hydration game and keep that metabolism humming along, give MetaPWR Recharge a try. Trust me, your body will thank you, and you’ll feel like the supermom you are—fully hydrated and ready to conquer the world, one sippy cup spill at a time! 🌊🍓✨

Listen to this mother of three & aspiring Olympian!

If you’re eager to dive in, use any of the links above to get started or drop me a message for personalized recommendations!

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For those in the continental USA, I'll also send you the Advanced Oil Magic reference book as a free gift!

This book is over 300 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. Inside you'll find:

  • 600 quick reference Ailments & Conditions

  • Uses & oil hacks for Single Oils & Oil Blends

  • Hundreds of recipes, diffuser blends, & DIY’s

  • Lifestyle Protocols

  • 105 serious Ailment Protocols

  • Incredible Emotions & Energy usage

  • Gorgeous Essential Oil Science made useful & practical

  • QR Sharable Videos on your favorite essential oils

BEGIN by looking up your ailments and conditions. Try one or a few of the oils suggested. THEN get serious by following protocols, which give you the exact recipes you need to get big results with your oils.

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