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Top 7 Essential Oil Blends for Kids

When you have your health, you have everything. When you DON'T have your health, nothing else matters at all.

We tend to take our good health for granted …  until we don't have it. And when it's our kids who are struggling, that can be really scary.

We just want to keep them safe.

Children need their health constantly supported so they can thrive:

⭐️ at school

⭐️ at home

⭐️ with their friends

⭐️ in sports

⭐️ have a healthy immune system

⭐️ support their emotions

⭐️ support focus

...all of it.

Health = Happiness

I'm going to share 7 rockstar blends that will help with supporting your kids in all of these areas.

You'll feel like supermom🦸🏻‍♀️🙌  when you empower your kids with these tools.

Nothing is better than teaching them how to use these tools for themselves. I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude for what we have when my kids walk over to our oils & pick out what they need.

You can have that too.

Top 7 Oil Blends for Kids


This is also known as the “Protective Blend”. It contains Cedarwood, Litsea, Frankincense & Rose. Did you know Rose has the profound ability to support against some of the serious environmental threat that tend to get passed around in the hospital environment, yet it's gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin? This blend is great for supporting the skin, with everything from itchy feet, itchy and dry flaky scalp, ingrown toenails, & also supporting the immune system.

Best way to use this? Roll it on your kiddos feet each morning before school, or down their spine. Just get it on every day.


This blend is also known as the “Courage Blend”. It contains Wild Orange, Amyris, Osmanthus, & Cinnamon.

Did you know one of them most researched properties of essential oils is their ability to influence emotions? “Due to how the olfactory system interacts with the limbic system, specific potent aromas have the ability to promote feelings of calm and relaxation.”

The oils in this blend are uplifting & energizing. This blend helps support feelings of anxiousness, fear, motivation, nervousness, & is very reassuring. It also supports the immune system. 

Again … please remember that all of these blends are favorites of adults for the very same reasons. ;)

Best way to use this? Roll it on whenever your little one is nervous about trying something new or meeting new people.


This is the “Focus Blend”. It contains Vetiver, Peppermint, Clementine, & Rosemary. Use this for kiddos who struggle with focusing. Or even when YOU are the one who needs to buckle down & get a project done.

Important: Because this blend contains citrus, remember to avoid sun exposure on the area it was applied for 12 hours after rolling it on (or apply under clothing instead).


This is the “Grounding Blend”. It contains Amyris, Balsam Fir, Coriander, & Magnolia. Use this for littles who need support with discomfort in the body. Also, sometimes certain situations can get kids revved up & they need a little help calming down - this is perfect for that. Also great for supporting strong emotions & stressful situations.

Best time to use this? Frazzled school mornings, any kind of social anxiety, when your child is put in a time-out, during a temper tantrum, when your child is disappointed … you'll love this tool.


This is the “Soothing Blend” … use this for any kind of physical discomfort. If you're familiar with Deep Blue?…this is a kid's version of that. It has Copaiba, Lavender, Spearmint, & Zanthoxylum. 

This is great for supporting that annoying Charley Horse, growing pains, head tension, joint discomfort, & muscle discomfort.

Favorite times to use this? Over any kind of discomfort or tension in the body. Also great for stinky feet by the way.🤢


Also known as the “Restful Blend”, this contains Lavender, Cananga, Buddha Wood, & Roman Chamomile.

Use this for any kind of temporary issues with behavior, sleep, bee stings, crying, diaper rash, when your kid's acting crazy, insect bites, & sunburns.

Favorite time to whip this out? Bedtime is a big one. Also with kiddos who get scared at night or have nightmares. Try using it with those two kiddos that won't stop arguing (great on road trips).


This is the “Digestive Blend”. Most kids are not a fan of the adult digestive blend (DigestZen), but this kid's version is a favorite smell for everyone. This is actually my youngest son's favorite scent out of every oil doTERRA makes … he loves it so much & so do I. Here's what's in it: Spearmint, Japanese Peppermint, Ginger, Parsley Seed, & Black Pepper. What you'll smell most is the Spearmint - so good! 

Use this for supporting anything with the digestive system, be it upper or lower digestive tract or discomfort. If someone has mad gas, break this baby out for sure. This is also one I love to roll over a sunburn - so helpful for cooling that down.

Favorite time to use this? Besides the obvious of any kind of digestive issues, pull this out whenever you need a lift. I love rolling it around my nose & on my wrists when I need to wake up. It's also very helpful for when spring rolls around & all the pollen & dander has you sneezing. Keep one in the car for road trips if you have anyone who struggles with car sickness - this will save you.

helpful videos:

Pretty cute video highlighting all these amazing blends!

A cute “Part 2” of the video above

How do you want to start?

My link here allows you to create a free doTERRA essential oil account so you can purchase doTERRA products for the same price I do…25% off. This is only available through a doTERRA Wellness Advocate - that's me!🥰

Your free doTERRA wholesale account gives you discounted pricing for one year.

Use this option to pick out the oils you want to try from this post.
Or you can create something entirely different with other oils of your choice. 

I've given you some popular choices in the pictures below, but you can build your order however you would like, even if you want to start with just one item!

Need some ideas for how to start?

Click on any of the following pictures & it will take you to that customized kit where you can check out right now! 

Any of the items below can be deleted or swapped out for other items of your choosing. I've just grouped some of the favorites people love for each wellness goal.

Free from me:

For those in the continental USA, I'll also send you The Essential Life reference book as a free gift!

This book is over 500 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. You'll love this book. It's what I still turn to when I have a question.

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See this Instagram gallery in the original post