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Natural Ways to Support Clear Breathing

Getting a cough or some respiratory illness is super common over the winter months, but for the last long while we've had the added problem of having Covid thrown into the mix. 

You may be more familiar then you'd like with the respiratory problems that come with Covid. But there are still other respiratory illnesses out there.

My first goal today is to give you some ways to tackle and support respiratory symptoms before they get out of hand. 

My second goal is to give you the tools to support respiratory symptoms, even if you're already in the middle of the illness.

Here's my story around respiratory illnesses - because this is something I've dealt with since high school. It used to be that whenever I got sick & a cough was part of that sickness, that darn cough would hang on FOREVER. I'm talking literally 4 months. My husband (he's a physician) would prescribe a Z-Pack or even an inhaler to try to get rid of this cough. It was so bad that I would crack ribs from the coughing. It felt like I was doing 100 sit-ups a day ... just because of all the coughing. Can you relate? Is this something you've dealt with?

That was until about 7 years ago. It wasn't until I got my hands on some doTERRA oils that the tables turned on that darn cough.

Every body is different. Some oils will work better for some people. So I want to give you a few different ways to support your respiratory system.

Any of the buttons for products in this post will get them for you at 25% off! And even if the cart you bring up has only one product in it, any other products you add to the cart will ALSO BE 25% OFF!

Top Essential Oils for Respiratory Support

Breathe blend products

I stock up on doubles (at least) of all of the following, because I never want to be without them, & because when one person starts having symptoms in your house, it's a little like dominoes😬. 

  • Breathe Essential Oil

  • Breathe Touch Roller

  • Breathe Vapor Stick

  • Breathe Throat Drops

How do we use them?

Breathe essential oil goes in the diffuser. Or we put a drop or two in the palm of our hands, rub them together, & cup over our nose & mouth & breathe deeply for 30-60 seconds. We also like to add this to an Epsom salt bath for a 15 minute soak - just add 6 drops to 1 cup of Epsom salts & add to a warm bath. 

Breathe Touch Roller gets rolled on & under the nose, on our chest, & also over the sinuses if there's congestion or pain there (so over the cheekbone, bridge of nose, & forehead).

Breathe Vapor Stick gets used in the same places as the Breathe Touch Roller, but the stick formula tends to stick with you a little longer. It's also perfect for babies & littles. When used with babies it's great to rub onto the bottoms of the feet & then slip socks on so they don't touch their feet & then their eyes. Bottoms of the feet is also great for anyone. Don't forget to use this at night for better sleep (because it supports better breathing).

Breathe Throat Drops are something I just grab over & over throughout the day to keep a cough at bay.

Frankincense, Breathe + Lime

These 3 together are absolute MAGIC. Place 2 drops of each in the palm of your hand. Then rub on your chest. Then you're going to do what's called a “T-shirt tent” … duck your head inside your T-shirt to create a diffuser & breathe deeply for 30 seconds. Super great for kids & teens too.

Natural Cough Support Syrup

Combine the following in a small glass jar. My friends and neighbors love this stuff and borrow from me. Mix & take 1 teaspoon every 3 hours as needed:

  • ½ cup honey

  • 8 drops peppermint

  • 8 drops lemon

  • 8 drops lavender

  • 8 drops frankincense

  • 3 drops clove

  • 3 drops wild orange

  • 1 drop cinnamon

Cardamom + Lime

Gargle a drop each with water for 30 seconds, then swallow. Repeat 3x daily.

OnGuard+ Protective Softgels

There's a reason my college kids all ask for these in their stockings at Christmas✨

These softgels contain OnGuard blend, Melissa oil (the Melissa plant is the highest antiviral found in nature), Black Pepper (huge immune support properties), & Oregano (a natural antibiotic). Our family swears by these & takes them at the first inkling of something coming on. For adults in our family (or kids who weigh as much as an adult) we take 2 of them, 3x a day as soon as we start to feel sick. We do that for 2 days. Then we switch to 1 softgel, 3x a day until we are well.

Use the button below to make any purchases & everything will be at 25% off!

helpful videos:

What are you waiting for?

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When you use my link, you lock in the 25% discount on all your doTERRA purchases! Your orders will be shipped to your door directly from doTERRA.

No minimum purchase required🎉


For those in the continental USA, I'll also send you the Advanced Oil Magic reference book as a free gift!

This book is over 300 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. Inside you'll find:

  • 600 quick reference Ailments & Conditions

  • Uses & oil hacks for Single Oils & Oil Blends

  • Hundreds of recipes, diffuser blends, & DIY’s

  • Lifestyle Protocols

  • 105 serious Ailment Protocols

  • Incredible Emotions & Energy usage

  • Gorgeous Essential Oil Science made useful & practical

  • QR Sharable Videos on your favorite essential oils

BEGIN by looking up your ailments and conditions. Try one or a few of the oils suggested. THEN get serious by following protocols, which give you the exact recipes you need to get big results with your oils.

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