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Trip to Washington DC - Day Eight

Today we started at the Spy Museum.  We were all given another identity to begin with.  We had to memorize things about our identity and we were tested at different points throughout our visit.  This museum was full of all kinds of spy gear that had been used by spies throughout history.  We were able to read true stories of things that had happened to different spies or what they had accomplished.  It was pretty fun!

After leaving the Spy Museum and grabbing some lunch, Mark and the kids went to play frisbee at the grassy park at the National Mall, while I went to take some pictures...

After finishing frisbee we all walked across the street to the United States Botanic Garden.  It was so beautiful and what a lot of amazing flowers and plants!  Here is just a taste...

This first shot is of Bryan pulling a face because he was kind enough to lug my camera pack around almost the entire trip!  He was such a great sport.

When we left the Botanic Garden, Mark asked me where I would like to eat dinner on our final night in DC.  I surprised my whole family when I answered "Good Stuff".  I'm tellin' ya, I am normally not into hamburgers, but those were absolutely DELICIOUS!  We enjoyed our burgers and another round of toasted marshmallow shakes.  Yum!

On our walk back to the subway to catch a ride back to the hotel we passed this beautiful church...

We were all a little sad to be wrapping up such an amazing trip.  Hopefully we get to come back someday!  The next morning we flew home and left beautiful Washington DC behind us - but we have some amazing pictures and memories of our stay!