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Christmas Eve Traditions

Christmas Eve we always have the kids open two presents, one of which is pajamas, and the other is a book.  After dressing pajamas, we take a family picture.  Then we read "The Polar Express" and "The Night Before Christmas".  We finish with the actual Christmas Story read from the Bible.  Then the kids sprinkle "reindeer food" on the front lawn to help Santa find our house and to give the reindeer something to eat while they are waiting for Santa.  We put out cookies and milk for Santa, and some carrots to share with his reindeer.  Then the kiddos are off to bed to let visions of sugar plums dance in their heads!

For the last two years, we have also tagged along with our friend's the Farr's for their tradition of going on a bike ride around the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve.  They helped us get all our bikes decked out with battery operated Christmas lights.  We had a treat to hand out to the houses we thought did the best job with decorations.  One of the kids would knock on their door, explain what we were doing, and award the house their treat.  Afterwards we went back to their house to sit by their fire pit and drink hot chocolate.  Such a fun tradition!

Sprinkling "reindeer food" all around our yard...