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My sis Heidi

I have an amazing sister (four actually - and one amazing brother).  Heidi has been through a lot in her life.  Lately I've really been able to look to her for an example of how life doesn't have to get you down.  When you try to do what's right, Heavenly Father helps everything to work for your good.  

It has been really fun to have Heidi living so close by - to be able to renew our friendship.  When I left for BYU she was seven years old.  I never really got to know her as a friend.  We lived so far away while Mark was going through all his training, I only got to see her once a year if that.  I really enjoy getting to know her, not as my little sister anymore, but as a grown-up woman who I consider not only an amazing sister, but an amazing friend.

I love you Heidi!