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⚡ Energize Your Day! Natural Energy Hacks Every Mom Needs 💪

Let's be real—parenting is exhausting. No matter how much sleep we get, by mid-afternoon, many of us feel like we're running on fumes.

Trying to cut back on caffeine? Or maybe just trying to combat that dreaded brain fog?

Even with a balanced diet and decent sleep, life happens. Late-night project deadlines, caring for a sick child, and homework help sessions can throw a wrench in our energy levels.

And then there’s the added fun of travel and jet lag.

Whatever your situation, there are ways to get clean, non-habit forming energy when you need it most, and give your brain the support it deserves.

Why do natural energy boosters matter for moms?

  • Sustained Energy Without the Crash: Unlike caffeine, which can lead to energy crashes, natural energy boosters provide sustained energy that helps you power through your day without the rollercoaster of highs and lows.

  • Better Focus and Clarity: Natural options can improve brain function and clarity, helping you stay sharp and focused. This is crucial for tackling the endless tasks and responsibilities that come with motherhood.

  • Healthier Habits: Reducing reliance on caffeine can lead to better sleep quality, less anxiety, and overall improved health. Natural energy boosters often come with added health benefits like improved digestion and reduced inflammation.

  • Setting a Good Example: Choosing natural options shows your kids the importance of healthy habits. It’s a great way to teach them about making good choices for their bodies.

My favorite natural energy boosters…

1. Essential Oils: doTERRA has several products and essential oils that will help you with your energy levels. I'll jump into the specifics in a minute.

2. Nutrient-Rich Foods:

  • Nuts and Seeds: Packed with protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Keep a mix on hand for a quick energy snack. I personally love cashews.

  • Dark Chocolate: My favorite! Contains a small amount of caffeine and a lot of antioxidants. Enjoy a piece for a healthy energy boost.

3. Hydration:

  • Water: Dehydration can lead to fatigue. Make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day. A good starting point is to divide your weight (in pounds) in half. Drink at least that many ounces of water a day.

  • Herbal Teas: If flavoring your water helps you to drink more, you can try different varieties of herbal teas. Or I love to add one drop of a yummy essential oil to hot water for a perfect tea (doTERRA's citrus oils are delicious).

4. Move Your Body: Even a short walk can boost energy levels and clear brain fog.

5. Take Breaks: Short, regular breaks can improve productivity and energy.

6. Practice Mindfulness: Simple breathing exercises can increase oxygen flow and energy. There are so many helpful apps for this (Headspace is a great app to start with).

The good news is these natural options work fast! Give them a try and feel the difference. You deserve to be the best version of yourself, energized and ready to take on the day.

Top Natural Options for Energy

MetaPWR Advantage Collagen + NMN:

Feeling the drag as you get older? Our metabolisms slow down with age, starting as early as 25-YEARS OLD! This impacts our energy, weight, and even how sharp we feel. But don’t worry, there’s a natural way to keep that pep in your step—MetaPWR Advantage.

This daily supplement, developed by doTERRA researchers, helps maintain healthy cell and organ function, keeps you mentally energized, and promotes a healthy weight and body composition.

What’s Inside:

  • NMN & Resveratrol: Boosts your metabolism by increasing NADH and NAD+ production and activating those all-important SIRT longevity genes.

  • Nine Types of Marine Collagen: Improves skin elasticity, density, and firmness, and supports lean muscle and connective tissue.

Why MetaPWR Advantage?

NMN & Resveratrol: These powerhouses boost your metabolic health by increasing NADH and NAD+ production and activating longevity genes.

Marine Collagen: Enhances skin beauty, bone protection, and muscle function.

Liposomal Vitamin C & Sea Buckthorn Fruit Extract: Supports immune health and skin vitality.

Hyaluronic Acid: Keeps your skin hydrated and elastic.

Essential Oils (Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, Cinnamon Bark): Provides natural, energizing support.

The Magic of Collagen Types (all included in this product):

  1. Type I: Enhances skin beauty.

  2. Type II: Protects bones and cartilage.

  3. Type IV: Connects the dermis and epidermis for resilient skin structure.

  4. Type V: Stabilizes the structures of Type I and II collagen.

  5. Type VI: Supports muscle function and cell membrane integrity while reducing oxidative damage.

  6. Type IX: Crucial for cartilage health, especially in growth plates, joints, and intervertebral discs.

  7. Type XXV: Inhibits the buildup of amyloid beta, linked to Alzheimer’s.

  8. Col1a2 Protein: Adds strength with collagen fibrillin.

  9. Vacuolar Protein Sorting 37A: Supports cell growth and differentiation.

Superior Absorption: Our collagen is sustainably sourced from cold-water marine fish and hydrolyzed for optimal absorption. Unlike others that offer 15-35% tripeptide content, MetaPWR Advantage boasts over 70%, making it up to 12 times more absorbable.

This supplement is more than just collagen; it's a boost for your overall well-being. Give it a try and see how it can energize your days!


This is a go-to for energy. One of the quickest ways to perk yourself up is to put 1 drop in your mouth & swallow it with some water. Yep! DoTERRA oils are one of the only oils out there that you can safely consume. You can check other brands of Peppermint, & on the back they will say “not for consumption”. But doTERRA's Peppermint is approved for internal use. And you only need 1 drop.

Peppermint + Bergamot + Lemongrass:

Ready to kick your energy levels into high gear? Here's the ultimate power-up routine that'll have you feeling like a rockstar all day long!

Morning Magic: Rise and shine! Start your day off right by applying a drop of each to the back of your neck, along your spine, and on the bottoms of your feet. Trust us, this combo is the secret sauce to jumpstarting your morning routine.

Afternoon Pick-Me-Up: Hit a wall in the afternoon? We've all been there! Reach for your trusty oils and give yourself a little pep talk. Apply another round of drops to the same spots and watch that energy slump disappear in no time.

Anytime, Anywhere: Need a boost? Whether it's before a workout, during a midday slump, or just whenever you need a little extra oomph, these oils have got your back. Keep 'em handy and apply as needed—your energy levels will thank you!

So go ahead, give this energizing combo a try and get ready to feel unstoppable!

Peppermint + Northern Escape + OnGuard:

Bottle of Joy: Your Instant Mood Booster!

Ready to bottle up some sunshine? Here's how to whip up your very own magic potion that'll have you feeling on top of the world!


  • 10 drops of each oil in a 10ml roller bottle

  • Top it off with fractionated coconut oil

  • Give it a good shake before each use

Application: Roll this delightful concoction onto your chest and the back of your neck to bask in its uplifting aroma. Trust us, you'll feel the good vibes in no time!

Why It's Awesome:

  • OnGuard boosts your immunity

  • The tree oils in Northern Escape work their magic to balance your mood and lift your spirits

So go ahead, roll on the joy and let the good times roll! 🌟

Cheer + Wild Orange + Breathe:

Diffuse & Delight: Your Instant Energy Boost!

Ready to infuse some fun into your space? Here's the ultimate recipe to turn any room into a happy place!


  • 2 drops of each oil in your trusty diffuser

  • Place it wherever the action is happening

How to Enjoy: Let the magic happen as the delightful aroma fills the air. Perfect for the office hustle or creating a homework haven for the kiddos. It's like sunshine in a bottle—uplifting, energizing, and guaranteed to put a smile on your face!

Why It's Awesome:

  • Breathe helps you breathe easy, getting more oxygen to your cells for a serious brainpower boost

  • Plus, it's the perfect pick-me-up to keep you going through those busy days

So go ahead, diffuse the joy and let the good vibes flow! 🌈✨

Mito2Max supplement:

Ready to kick caffeine to the curb and banish brain fog for good? Say hello to your new secret weapon for healthful energy!

Why You'll Love It:

  • Perfect for those looking to cut back on caffeine without sacrificing energy

  • Bid farewell to brain fog and hello to clear, focused days

What Makes It Awesome:

  • This natural blend works hand in hand with your cell's powerhouses, the mitochondria, for a real energy boost

  • Just pop 2 capsules twice a day (morning and afternoon) for effortless support that keeps you feeling fabulous

So wave goodbye to those midday slumps and hello to vitality, the natural way! 🚀

xEO Mega supplement:

Unlock the Goodness of Omegas: A Friendlier Alternative to Fish Oil

Ready to give your wellness routine a friendly boost? Say goodbye to fishy burps and say hello to a blend that feels like a warm hug for your body.

Embracing Omegas: Omega fatty acids are like little heroes in your body, supporting brain function and keeping your nervous system happy. They're the unsung champions of well-being!

Why Our Blend Rocks:

  • It's not your run-of-the-mill fish oil—it's a friendly mix packed with all the good stuff your body craves.

  • No more fishy burps! Our blend is kind to your taste buds and won't leave you with any unpleasant aftertastes.

From Personal Experience: As someone who's been there with the fishy burps, I can tell you, making the switch to this blend was like a breath of fresh air. It's like giving your body a warm, comforting hug.

A Little Extra Love: For parents navigating the challenges of ADHD, like myself, this blend offers a gentle way to support our kids' brain health and overall wellness.

So why settle for fish oil when you can choose something that feels like a friendly high-five for your body? Let's embrace wellness together, one omega at a time! 🌈

helpful video:

Isn’t it time?

Use this link today and you’ll unlock a free account that gives you a 25% discount on all your doTERRA purchases for one full year! Shop whenever you like, and never pay retail pricing again. Your orders will be shipped to your door directly from doTERRA.

No minimum purchase required🎉

Shop for any of the items we've talked about today, or browse the collection of all doTERRA products and grab any others you would like to try.

For those in the continental USA, I'll also send you the Advanced Oil Magic reference book as a free gift!

This book is over 300 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. Inside you'll find:

  • 600 quick reference Ailments & Conditions

  • Uses & oil hacks for Single Oils & Oil Blends

  • Hundreds of recipes, diffuser blends, & DIY’s

  • Lifestyle Protocols

  • 105 serious Ailment Protocols

  • Incredible Emotions & Energy usage

  • Gorgeous Essential Oil Science made useful & practical

  • QR Sharable Videos on your favorite essential oils

BEGIN by looking up your ailments and conditions. Try one or a few of the oils suggested. THEN get serious by following protocols, which give you the exact recipes you need to get big results with your oils.

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