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THE NEW GILBERT, ARIZONA TEMPLE: Moroni being placed on the temple!

One of the most exciting things for our family before moving to Arizona, was finding out that a new temple was going to be built right in our new neighborhood!  Our house is about 1/2 mile away from the Gilbert, Arizona temple.  Click here to learn more about temples.  Temples are very special to our family because of the ordinances performed there that allow our family to be together forever, not just until death do us part.  I love the temple!

Watching Moroni be placed on the top of them temple was so fun.  When I was little, the closest temple to my family was located 3 hours away in Oakland, California.  We would drive there, and upon getting closer, us kids would have a competition to see who could spot the temple first.  The first thing we could see was the angel Moroni, high above the treetops in the distance.  When we saw Moroni, we knew we were almost there.

Every temple I have ever visited leaves me with a peaceful, calm, beautiful feeling.  They are always beautiful places, even outside.  I love to see the temple!

Unfortunately I was the only member of my family able to witness this event.  It wasn't announced, but many people found out by word of mouth a few hours before it happened.  I found out about 30 minutes before, which didn't give me enough time to pull my kids out of school.  It was pretty amazing to see the hundreds of people who turned up at a moments notice to see this happen.  There was even a helicopter hovering through the whole thing!  So exciting to have a temple RIGHT HERE!