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UTAH TRIP - day one

Bryan signed up to go to Especially For Youth (EFY) at BYU again this year.  Our family drove up to Utah together to take him.  The first day we only drove a few hours in order to get to Lake Powell.  There we met up with Mark's sister and her family, who had been up there for several days with their boat.  We had such a blast hanging out with them all day!

Here's Bryan... nephew Zac (he's CRAZY good, and so is his younger brother, Tyson)...

Then it was Kyle's turn.  Kyle is a dare devil.  If older kids are doing something, he's gotta try it too.  He is one talented kid!  I had to laugh at this picture, considering the wakeboard is so much bigger than he is that he can barely see over the top of it.

Kyle would start to get up, and then get pulled forward and have to let go of the rope.  Zac swam out to help him figure it out.

...trying again...he is NOT a quitter.  He's amazing!

Then it was Morgan's turn.  Zac is helping her get the boots on and explaing what she needs to do.

Morgan was funny.  She popped right up out of the water, but just didn't want to stand up!  We were yelling, "Great Morgan!  Now stand up!"  She must have been up on the wakeboard a full minute, just in a sitting position, before she finally stood up.

Good job Morgan!

The Jergensen's have a cliff they enjoy jumping off of when they come to Lake Powell.  Of course we were initiated!  There goes Colton!

...and Morgan...

"You go next.  No, you go next.  Awww come on.  It's not THAT far down."

"Don't put your arms out to your side, or it will hurt when you hit the water."

My turn...

...then Kyle...he must have jumped at least ten times!  Like I said...dare devil!

Bryan going in...

Jen's husband, Jace, climbing up with Kyle...

Kyle's thinking about it.  This particular part of the cliff required you to jump out quite a ways in order to get out over the water - made me just a little nervous.

Hanging out on the cliff...

Colton's turn...he was a total natural.  Popped right up and just stayed back there FOREVER.

Mark's turn...

Jace, our very capable driver and a very good teacher!

My turn!  Somehow it's just not as easy for me as it used to be.  I think the last time I had waterskied was about 5 years ago.

I got up, but it took several tries, and I didn't last long when I decided to go over the wake...

My nephew Zac with his sisters Madison and Alexis - hanging out with Kyle.  They covered their faces with mud to keep from burning since the sunscreen was on the boat (we took turns going out on the boat while some stayed on the beach).

The kids LOVED it when Jace let them drive the boat...

That was a long, tiring day for Kyle man.  He was out on the drive back to the docks.  We stayed the night at a hotel, and then were back on the road to Utah in the morning.