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✏️Resources For You:

Essential Oil Studies Package from Kyle Kirshbaum

🗒 What are Essential Oil Studies?

Studies are one of the easiest, high-enrolling recruiting methods.

They take place over a 14-day period.

They work best when you gather participants at the end of a month, & start the study at the beginning of the next month.

They are NOT a medical study. This study is to find individuals who have not used essential oils & other doTERRA products, & to help them fall in love with & starting using the products.

They provide a simple + non-threatening way to introduce essential oils to many new people, & to help them enroll at the end of the study.

They’re brilliant for people who are resistant to the network marketing model doTERRA is sold through.

Through the study process, participants will use the oils, have a chance to track + report their experience, & receive ongoing education.

Participants will also be integrated into a study community & your team’s essential oil community.

The process outline below has been proven time & again. DO NOT TWEAK anything in the study process. Tweaking breaks the proven process!

🗒️ How to run Essential Oil Studies:

Each participant will receive …

  • Initial Questionnaire for all participants

  • A schedule for the 2-week study & classes

  • Oils for the study (about 28 drops per sample)

  • A-Z guide

  • Final Questionnaire for all participants

  • You’ll need a Facebook group for ALL your study participants (especially if you are running multiple studies at once)

  • Have a special incentive for enrollment at the end of the study

  • You need to keep in regular contact with your participants

🗒️ The 4 Study focuses:

  1. Digestion: DigestZen, Lemon, Peppermint

  2. Pain: Deep Blue Rub/oil, Peppermint

  3. Sleep: Lavender/Serenity, Serenity Softgels

  4. Stress & Mood: Balance/Peace, Wild Orange or Elevation

🗒️ The Steps:

STEP 1: Identify Study Participants

  • 1-2 weeks prior to the start of the study, find & invite people to participate in the study (people who are not enrolled in doTERRA already).

  • Consider the influencers you’re inviting. Are they Annas or Bubbas? Are they likely to build a doTERRA business (4-7 stars)?

  • Look for & invite people who are dealing with specific issues related to the study topic being done.

  • Do multiple studies at a time to cast a wider net.

  • Have as many people on your team inviting people to participate as possible.

  • Each team member should invite 10-20 participants. (More than 20 people gets hard to follow up)

STEP 2: Live Class before the Study begins

  • The study begins with a live class as this is critical for high enrollment rates. Following this formula creates an 85%+ enrollment rate of those in the study! Flow the class like this:

    • Welcome & Explanation

    • Explain that this is not a medical study

    • Explain the goal of the study is to compare each participant’s personal results from one week to the next

    • 3 Cool Things about Oils

    • 3 Ways to Use Oils

    • Remind everyone that everyone’s bodies are different, & we’ll find a solution that works for you

    • Review which products will be used during the study

    • Demonstrate exactly how to use the products

    • Show the products for all 4 studies at once

    • Review the schedule + expectations

    • Provide the schedule for the 2-week study

    • Pass physical copies of the Initial Questionnaire (use Google Forms if doing online)

    • Provide oils & A-Z guide for the study

STEP 3: Check in:

  • CALL each participant 2 days after the live class to find out what their experience has been.

  • Say: “Have you had an opportunity to use your oils yet?”

  • Use the Effective Sampling method! Do it until they’ve had a WOW experience.

STEP 4: Add to the Facebook Group:

  • Add participants to the study Facebook group. Remember to use ONE group for all the studies at once (people will see experiences from other studies that they want to have themselves!)

  • Only add participants after they’ve had their WOW experience so that the activity + energy in the group is high.

STEP 5: Run the Facebook Group:

  • Have a different short video of an oil every day.

  • Think ahead to which incentives you’ll offer with enrollments. Be sure to share videos about those incentives to stimulate excitement before you unveil the incentives!

  • Consider using Facebook Live for short testimonials or presentations.

  • Have Q&A.

  • Invite a special guest to present on a relevant topic (5-10 minutes only).

  • Offer giveaways for those who share stories & engage each day. Get creative! Use oils, sample bottles, keychains, etc.

  • Do different prizes each day, & have different limitations on each prize (offer a few larger prizes sometimes & unlimited small prizes sometimes). Do more giveaways that lots of people can win.

    • Example: “If you post 5 ways to use your _______, you get ______.”

    • Example: “Post a screenshot of a text you’ve sent someone telling them how cool your oils are to win a ________!”

STEP 6: Post-Study Live Class:

  • The class after the study is where everyone enrolls! This is where all the prizes are handed out (they have to attend to get their prizes!), it’s where you share the enrollment specials, & it’s where your study produces actual results.

  • Welcome & thank everyone for participating

  • Testimonials (You’re basically picking up where you left off from the first class! This is the 2nd half of your Intro to Oils class!)

  • This is where participants get exposed to other areas of health (they see what people in other studies experienced)

  • Transition to 3 ways to purchase the oils

  • Explain the enrollment kits

  • Offer enrollment incentives

  • Incentives only last 48 hours from the time of the class

  • Use corporate incentives as much as possible

  • Share your most powerful testimonial

  • Close the class as you would with a normal intro class (pass out books & enrollment forms)

  • Book classes from this class

  • Give out prizes from the study

  • Basic Business Intro (BBI)

📝 Your Assignment:

  1. Think about when/if you would like to run a Study program like this.

  2. Identify who on your contact list you would offer this to.


On Day 15, you’re going to learn effective scripts for Engaging Customers + Builders

GO TO DAY 15 … 👉