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✏️Resources For You:

Strategy Call Worksheet

Zoom for team calls

The Duplication Model Diagram

All of the SCRIPTS from this Fast Track Model in one place

🗒️ Team Calls:

30 minutes max on Monday nights seems to work best. These are typically held by Diamonds & above, however a Silver leader who is planning to rank Diamond may start these to strengthen their leadership with their team.

  • Overview:

    • Welcome (2 minutes)

    • Product training (5 minutes)

    • Training on a specific business skill (15 minutes)

    • Recognition or Testimonials (5 minutes)

    • Find unique things to recognize: ie) Someone who goes out of the way to be at an event, someone who enrolls someone with a big kit

    • Reminders & close (upcoming events & Promotions) (3 minutes)

🗒️ Strategy Sessions:

  • These strategy sessions should happen every single week until your qualifier is Diamond.

  • Make sure they’re scheduled for the same day at the same time.

  • Have your leaders call you, you don’t have to chase them.

  • If someone is full-time in the business schedule a full hour with them each week. If someone is part time in the business schedule a half hour with them each week.

  • Try to have all of your strategy sessions in the same block of time, it’s easier for you + they tend to not go long if someone is right behind them.

  • You can do strategy sessions in person or over the phone.

  • If someone won’t get on a strategy call with you, it’s because you aren’t offering value.

  • You’re number one objective is to follow up with them on their 3 goals from the previous week & set 3 more goals for the coming week.

  • Make sure they commit what day they’ll accomplish all of their goals & hold them accountable by texting them throughout the week & asking them if they’ve accomplished their goals.

    For Example: If Sally (your leader) says one of her goals is to contact 4 people on her Names List, you’d ask her by when will she get that done. She’d say by Thursday night. You’d put that into your phone on Thursday night with a reminder so you can text her on Thursday & ask her if she accomplished her goal.

  • Here’s a sample Strategy Worksheet

📝 Your Assignment:

  1. Commit to being Consistent!

  2. Think about what rank you’d like to be at next year at this time. If this weekly success schedule was followed each week, it would create a Diamond organization within a year.



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