🎙Listen to the audio:
✏️Resources For You:
Short outline of Class sequence; In-depth Class sequence
Our simple class handout and script sheet
Packing list for classes
See our Fast Start Supplies page for links for everything mentioned below
🧰 Create Your Own Class Kit:
Essential oils: It’s great to have a kit set aside just for teaching such as The Healthy Start kit (Top 10 oils + a diffuser). That way your kit is all ready to go…always. You’re not scrambling around your house trying to make sure you have everything, then forgetting something vital (been there). But if you only bring a few - bring Peppermint, Wild Orange, Deep blue, On Guard (& Lifelong Vitality if desired).
10 - 15 x sample drams of oils for giveaways: Any oils will do, but the top 10 are especially useful if you have them
Class teaching sheets (optional - can also just handout blank pages for notes)
Enrollment forms. Class in a Box will give you all the teaching forms you need if you’d like to order that
Enrollment Kits handout (we suggest you print 5 x color copies + laminate them for reuse when teaching)
Pens (consider having a case of 15 pens just for your classes)
The Essential Life books (we suggest you have 5 x copies of the Essential Life book as your teaching copies)
8 x Sample vial keychains to use as incentive to book a class (could also offer a new copy of Essential Life Book)
Optional surprises/gifts for your attendees - just something small such as a little bag of samples or a 5ml wild orange from the Class in a Box. (You’ll want to do this if you mentioned in the 2 day or 2hr reminder text that you have a little surprise for them at class & can’t wait to see them)
For the Business Intro (20 min after Intro Class)
Light refreshments only for the 20 min Business Intro after the oil class. Reminder - do not have refreshments for the oil class - just water & some citrus oils near it for people to add.
Some refreshments such as Peppermint brownies & apples soaked in OnGuard water
Copies of our Build Guide
A few different Leadership Magazines
🗒 Key Components of an Effective Class:
Set aside time 2 days before every class to top up your Class Kit.
Remember: Your class setup/process needs to be simple!! If your attendees feel like your class is this huge production, they’ll never think they can do what you do! The most important part of this class is that it’s very simple. The more simple your classes the easier your team can duplicate it.
This Intro to doTERRA Oils class is the one you most want duplicating through your team. It’s the one that every new builder should teach weekly for 3 months as part of their launch.
This class format is interactive, fun + effective! The flow of it is strategic so be sure to follow it.
It’s highly recommended you master this class. However, if you decide to do a different version of the intro class, just make sure it includes the crucial components listed here.
Hold presentations in distraction-free environments (no kids or pets running around)
Keep class to around 45 minutes (never over an hour). You want time to answer questions + enroll people. If your class takes too long people will leave as soon as you’re done teaching.
Note - don’t give out sign up forms or enrollment kit sheets until end of class so you don’t distract attendees.
🗒 The Intro to Oils Class Sequence: (45 min)
Welcome & intentions - 2 min
Tell your story - 2 min
3 cool things about oils: natural, effective, & safe because of the doTERRA difference (Source to You) - 10 min
3 ways to use oils: aromatic, topical, internal. Emphasize this only applies to doTERRA - no other brands - 10 min
Share product experiences: class testimonials from those who had sample experience - 10min
Share your most powerful experience - 2 min
Explain 3 types of people in doTERRA - 2 min
Close with 3 kits - 5 min
Help people enroll, book classes from classes, invite to the Basic Business Intro happening next - 20 min
Do you see the Steve Jobs pattern? 3 cool things about oils, 3 ways to use, 3 ways to buy, 3 types of people in doTERRA
🗒 The Basic Business Intro:
Basic Business Intro will start 20 min after you finish presenting, immediately after you help people enroll.
This is where you can have simple refreshments at the end for people that stay for the Business Intro.
If people stay for the Business Intro, the entire event will last about an hour and 25 min.
📝 Your Assignment:
Create your Class Teaching Kit (print checklist)
Practice teaching the sequence of the Intro to Oils + Business (print this image if you’d like) using the Class Teaching Sheet 💡 TIP: Record yourself so you can play it back often.
On Day 7, you’ll learn how Steve Jobs would teach an Oils Class …