Cooking with essential oils benefits you on so many levels. You of course get the health benefits of the particular oil you’re using, you get the yummines of that herb (or citrus fruit), and it saves you money.
Did you know that your fresh herbs get their flavor from the natural essential oils of that plant? When pure plant essential oils are harvested & bottled, you get the concentrated version of the plant. Because it’s concentrated, you typically only use 1 drop in a recipe.
Let’s compare:
In the spice aisle at the grocery store, you’ll typically pay around $4 for a couple tablespoons of a spice. That amount gives you maybe 5-10 uses. And most sources tell you that your dried spices lose potency & flavor after 1 year & should be replaced.
A 15mL bottle of essential oil has at least 250 drops … that’s 250 uses! Oils vary in price, but average around $20. That’s a huge savings. A bottle of essential oil is good for at least 5 years (many would argue even longer).
Some people are concerned about consuming essential oils internally. And if you turn over any bottle from a health food store, grocery store, or the like - you’ll see it says “Not For Internal Consumption”. doTERRA is different in this regard. The FDA has approved many PURE essential oils for internal consumption. You can read which ones here.
Purity is key here. Because doTERRA oils are tested & retested for their consumption safety, you can trust their use internally just as you do aromatically + topically. If you’re interested in learning more about the safety of doTERRA essential oils click here.
One of the easiest ways to get the internal benefits of essential oils is to add a drop or two to your water! Super simple & super yummy. Doing this simple step helps me to drink more water during my day. Some oils I love using for this include Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Wild Orange, Tangerine, Peppermint & Green Mandarin. I keep these by my kitchen sink so the whole family can grab them when we’re refilling our stainless steel water bottles.
Citrus oil contain high levels of of limonene … learn about the benefits of limonene here.
Other ideas for using oils to up your flavor profile while cooking include: smoothies, coffee + tea, dressings, sauces & marinades, yogurt, baking & more! TIP: you lose a little bit of the health power in oils when you heat them through cooking, so ideally you want to stir them in at the end of the recipe - but even if you don’t, you’ll still get the flavor.
Before we dive into some yummy recipes with your oils, here are some great resources …
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