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Important to know …

👉 44% of people never reconnect with a contact.

👉 60% of sales are made after at least 4 connections + are made by only 10% of leaders.

👉 Your confidence in yourself affects how you connect with others. Your contact wants to be guided by someone who is confident in helping them … they want your help. Showing up to SERVE will help eliminate the fear you have of reaching out to someone.

👉 When you get that ‘feeling’ you should reach out to someone … follow it as soon as possible.

Picture this: You’re in a restaurant & famished. The waitress gives you a menu but never returns for your order. That’s your contact who you sampled … or who attended a class. If you don’t reach out to help them, you’re doing them a disservice.


Scripts for reaching out on social media:

No one wants to feel pushy or salesy. I’ve found it feels good to start with, “I’m curious …”. Then you can follow that with something like:

👉 Have you heard of essential oils?
👉 Have you ever tried essential oils?
👉 Have you ever attended an oils class?
👉 Have you ever thought about building a simple doTERRA business?


Reminding someone about their upcoming class:

Hey Jen! I’m excited to see you at class today! It starts at 11am PST & goes for about an hour. I sent you an email with the link to the Zoom for today & also some Class Notes. Make sure to check your spam if you don’t see it.

I know you’re interested in learning more about using oils for Sleep … & we’ll be discussing some ways to use Serenity & Cedarwood today that I think you’ll find super helpful.

Also - make sure to stay with me until the end of class because I’ll be giving you a free ebook you’re going to LOVE!

Feel free to reach out by text or email if you have any questions after class or if you want help with purchasing.



Follow-Up After Class:

Hi Jen! I hope you enjoyed the class yesterday! Were you surprised at all the ways you can use these oils?

I wanted to check back with you & answer any questions you might have about doTERRA? I know you’ve been thinking about oils, & there’s actually an awesome promotion this month {insert promo}

Personally, my favorite kit is {insert starter kit} because {why you love it & why you think it would be great for them}

It’s pretty incredible how many ways you’ll use each of the oils. And we have an amazing library of free ebooks + programs to help you keep learning how to use your oils once you purchase.

Let me know if I can help!

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Important Steps After Enrolling A Customer:

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Within 24 hrs of your customer enrolling:

Send them a short welcome note, text, or social message letting them know to check their email for a Welcome Email from you. Let them know this important email contains resources & education to help guide them over the next few months. Add your customer to our Welcome Series of emails HERE so they will be supported in their learning.

It’s also a great idea to send them a little welcome package in the mail. This is optional but effective. Things you could include: OnGuard toothpaste sample, Deep Blue Rub sample, Slim & Sassy piece of gum, Ginger lozenge, Breathe lozenge, OnGuard lozenge, PB Assist Jr. stick, a LIVE guide, & a mini usage book.

NOTE: You have until on or before the 10th day of the month to decide where to “place” your new customer on your team. Ask your upline for help with this until you get comfortable with knowing where to place them.

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2-Week Check In:

Send your new customer a short note to check in & see how they’re liking their oils. Here’s an example:

Hey Shannon! Just popping in to say hi! I hope you’re having fun getting to know your new oils & are enjoying the Email Series I’ve been sending you. If you haven’t had a chance yet, be sure to check out this virtual lifestyle guide - it’s full of great ideas on how to use your new oils to help with all sorts of things.

You’ll also want to check out the resources our team has available to you here {Give them the link. Check with your upline to get that link … if that’s me, shoot me a text or email & I’ll send it to you}

If there’s anything I can do for you please don’t hesitate to ask. I love hopping on the phone with new customers for a quick call to go over anything you’d like to know.

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90-Day Check In:

Offer your customer the opportunity to upgrade their account for free to Wellness Advocate. Many times they don’t know this is an option & unless you present it you won’t find business partners to work with you. This is the biggest blessing in doTERRA!💝 You could send them something like this:

Hey Sara! I’ve been thinking about you & wanted to check in & see how life with the oils is going? Can you see yourself possibly sharing oils with other people & earning an income doing it?

We offer a free to our team, online program to ‘Launch Your Biz’ & I’d love to offer you the opportunity to use it & learn how to earn money through doTERRA! Here’s a copy of the Build Guide if you want to peruse it & learn a little about this opportunity.

You can upgrade your account at anytime to be a Wellness Advocate, which simply gives you the ability to receive checks from doTERRA. There’s no charge to being a Wellness Advocate or to upgrade your account. Here’s how you can change your account type (the info is under the PREPARE section of the page)

The only business cost you will have is your personal monthly order (called LRP…or Loyalty Rewards Program) of 100pv or higher. Every time you enroll someone you’ll receive 20% commission. You don’t need to be able to teach people about oils when you’re starting out, because you can just invite them to our community classes! You invite them, we teach the class, you enroll them & earn the commission!

Would you like to learn more about what this could look like for you? Reply back & I can help you with next steps & send you info on how to connect with our business resources!

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Useful Tracking Tools For Following Up

👉 Online spreadsheet tracker template: you’ll want to follow the instructions on the tracker to make a copy you can fill in. Be sure to download the Google Sheets app so you can access this tracker on your phone wherever you may be!


👉 If you’re a “paper person” here are some great options for trackers:

CLICK HERE to purchase






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