Are you Mentoring someone?


“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.”
- John C. Crosby

Mentoring is about bringing out the brilliance in others & cheering them on to more! As you discover your own brilliance, you’re better able to serve your builders as their strategy & accountability partner. You don’t need to know everything to be a great mentor. Leverage this guide & your upline as you begin & don’t forget to have fun through this process of growing!


Download the Strategy Check-In Sheet below:


Top Tips:

  1. Schedule regular Strategy Sessions with your builders via phone or Zoom.

  2. Receive their Strategy Check-In BEFORE the call. Focus on the Vital Action Steps & how to execute them effectively.

  3. Invite your upline mentor to join you on your first few calls.

  4. Focus on solutions, not problems. Express empathy, then move builders from concerns to solutions quickly. Ask, don’t tell. Create a space where they can explore ideas.

  5. Bring your best self. Create big value in small pockets of time. Develop a relationship of trust by keeping confidences & commitments.

  6. Edify & encourage. Highlight their gifts & brilliance.

  7. Refer them to personal development & training to support overcoming limiting beliefs & increasing skills.

  8. Recognize success during Strategy Sessions as well as partner with your upline to do so during team events/calls, etc.

Why Weekly Strategy Sessions:

  • Set your builders up for success.

  • Measure PIPES activities & improve skills.

  • Stay connected & offer consistent support.

Strategy Session Agenda (30 Mins.):

STEP 1: Connect

  • Celebrate successes + evaluate areas that need support.

STEP 2: Review Last Week’s Actions + Outcomes

  • Help them deconstruct the past week so they can repeat what’s working & eliminate what’s not.

  • Help set realistic rank & Power of 3 goals.

  • Assess volume & create a plan to fill gaps.

STEP 3: Review PIPES Activities

  • Assess PIPES activities from previous week. Identify where breakdown is happening & focus mentoring on the one thing that’s most important (e.g., skill mastery on inviting or enrolling).

  • Set PIPES goal for the next week.

STEP 4: Identify + Calendar Vital Action Steps for the Coming Week

  • Base the upcoming week’s Vital Action Steps on awarenesses from PIPES evaluation.

  • Identify how they need support. Make yourself available to present & support presentations, commit new builders, & model initial Wellness Consults.

Helpful videos for Mentoring others:

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life - Belief In Your Builders. It's not about 'luck' it's about being capable. Real change occurs after you change your mindset.

Mentoring is drawing out the brilliance in others. It’s creating the space for them to grow. As a mentor you have the ability to inspire them and lift them; but, it’s not your job to motivate them or drag them along.


Are you the one being Mentored?

The best mentee comes to a Strategy Session prepared to first talk about what actions they took based on the last mentoring session & what results that created. They also come prepared to a session with their questions - time with a mentor is VIP time. 

Complete the Strategy Check-In form that your upline utilizes. 

Download the Strategy Check-In Sheet below:


Send your completed sheets to your upline at least a day or two ahead of when you will meet. This gives your upline the opportunity to prepare for your session so you can make the most of your mentor call time! Your responses & your team growth will dictate the frequency of the calls you have with your upline.

TIP: Once completed - look at your sheet daily before you begin your doTERRA work. It will help guide what you focus on!

Get clarity by going over the following when filling out your Strategy Check-In form before your session:

  • How many people have I personally enrolled?

  • Who hasn’t had a Welcome Call?

  • Who isn’t on LRP?

  • Who rank advanced recently on my team? Who is close?

  • Who are my top enrollers on my team?

  • What other areas of my biz do I want to discuss with my mentor on our call?



➡️ Fear of failure
➡️ Lack of follow-up from classes & leads
➡️ No system to follow
➡️ Trying to do it all on your own
➡️ More basic product or sales training needed
➡️ Unrealistic expectations 
➡️ Not deciding to PLAN FOR SUCCESS





➡️ Where do you want to be?
➡️ Why do you want to be there?
➡️ How are you going to do that?
➡️ Where are you today?
➡️ When do you want to get there? 



THAT’S LIFE Biz Tracker Worksheet [click “Make A Copy” to access version you can fill in]: CLICK HERE

doTERRA Launch Guide: CLICK HERE

doTERRA Business Building Guide: CLICK HERE

doTERRA Compensation Plan: CLICK HERE


THAT’S LIFE Biz Fast Track Training: CLICK HERE

THAT’S LIFE Finding Builders Training: CLICK HERE

THAT’S LIFE Biz Resource Center: CLICK HERE

Rank Worksheets:



How to do Recognition & How to Use Incentives Effectively


A few other things that separate business versus hobby . . .


1/2 hour of personal development (spiritual, emotional, personal)
1/2 hour business development (product training, leadership/business training)
2 new contacts + 2 follow ups


Leadership mentoring call with our direct upline (either 1:1 or group mentoring)
Downline leadership calls


1000 personally enrolled OV (new volume) or 5 new enrollments
”Getting Started” training to all new enrollments (webinars/one-on-one/group)
Organizational volume growth of 10%



 Ideas to use for Front Line / Qualifying Leaders:

First month:

Mentor weekly for 1 - 2 months using the Strategy Check-In sheet. After this you’ll have a good idea of whether they are committed (they do what they say they’ll do) & capable (they are able to enroll on their own with no help from you). If they are committed & capable you’ll continue weekly strategy calls. If not, you can move them to a group call for those in the same situation. Keep one-on-one calls reserved only for your personal qualifiers who are doing the work.

Teach first 1-2 classes (in person if local, or on Zoom if not local).

Lead 3-way-calls with first 1-2 people enrolled for Welcome Call so your new leader learns how to do these.

Lead 3-way-call for first 1-2 people interested in Biz Opportunity.

If local, go for dinner or pedi - something fun together!

Subsequent months:

For committed & capable leaders, keep doing weekly 1:1 mentoring calls. Otherwise move them to a group mentoring situation.

1 x group biz jam - last week of the month. Everyone shares a lesson + a success in the last month.


Ideas to use for Sharers/Builders:

Use our THAT’S LIFE Biz Blueprint to guide you & to share with your new builder:

Have them join your business builder Facebook group. If you are below the rank of Diamond, you may want to use your upline Facebook group for this. Make sure to do a post welcoming your new builder to the group. Point out the pinned post at the top of the group + the description section for the group so they know where to find vial info for helping them in their biz.

Schedule three 1:1 calls with them:

  • CALL #1: Their Welcome Call (Membership Overview). Go over their “Why” + their vision for what they want to achieve with their doTERRA biz. What do they want to achieve in the next 3-6 months? 2 years? Give them the Biz Blueprint to start working on.

  • CALL #2: Send them the BUILD guide prior for them to review. Have them do their “100 names contact list”, order samples + usage guides, Essential Life book, & “Class In A Box”. Help them set up their personal doTERRA website with their picture + bio (show them where on the site to send people who want to enroll with them).

  • CALL #3: Go over the Time to Rank sheet & see how that relates to their goals for their biz. How many hours a week are they planning to put into their doTERRA biz? Go over their 30-60-90 Day Plan (have them click “make a copy” so they have a version saved that will allow them to fill it in). They can participate in the 30-60-90 Day Plan as either part of a group mentoring program, or they can do it 1:1 with their mentor (you if you enrolled them). The goal is to reach the rank of Elite or Premier in the first 90 days of their biz.

Once they are past the rank of Elite, they can use our Rank Guides on our biz page to help direct what to do next. They would also still participate in group biz calls to help them on their journey.


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