Are you exploring all the many ways doTERRA oils & products can help support a healthy lifestyle for your little ones (& yourself)? Are you trying to create a safer environment for your littles by booting toxins out of your home?

Creating a safer environment for my family was what drew me to oils in the first place.

If you’re a little nervous about using oils with your kids, you’re in the right place. I’m a mom of four. I have a husband who is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist at one of the leading children's hospitals in the USA. I also have a background in Nursing. When I started researching essential oils, safety was my very first concern. I use doTERRA specifically because of their track record with hospitals & the medical research world. They are tested more deeply than any other oils, & are used worldwide with complete confidence … largely because of the third-party testing, ensuring both purity & potency.

We use these oils & products daily in our home. There are common sense safety practices to follow, but essential oils are easy to use & will make you feel so much better about how you’re caring for your family.

Plants are the original medicine & their properties are what science has turned to for centuries. The modern medical world has been studying oils heavily in more recent years, because they’re recognizing that many modern day medications work more like a “sledgehammer” on the body. Often, nature’s medicine offers a less destructive tool.

Let this space offer you a window into the gentle, yet powerful options nature provides you with.




Licensed Midwife, Stephanie Fritz teaches on how to use oils throughout your pregnancy

Sarah Vansteenkiste (a Registered Nurse) teaches how she uses oils with her 5 kids in their home


Holly Lo is a labor doula & childbirth educator helping you learn about using oils in the delivery room

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Common Discomforts + Helpful Oils During Pregnancy:

The essential oils listed below are commonly used by pregnant women & midwives without negative results or side effects. But any time you are unsure, check with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure these are a good choice for you. Also, it cannot be stressed enough how important it is to use only pure, well-tested oils, from a company you trust completely. Make sure you understand how to use them safely. More about safety HERE.

Relaxation and Anti-Stress: Bergamot, Frankincense, Lavender, Patchouli, Chamomile, Wild Orange, Tangerine

Pain And Tension Relief: Cypress, Frankincense, Lavender (after the first trimester), Chamomile, Peppermint (sparingly at the beginning of pregnancy because of it’s possible stimulating properties, and sparingly at the end of pregnancy, as peppermint can decrease milk production)

Digestive Health: Ginger, Peppermint (sparingly at the end of pregnancy as it can decrease milk production), Spearmint, Lemon, Grapefruit, Lime

Skin Health (and stretch marks): Frankincense, Lavender (after the first trimester), Rose (after the first trimester), Sandalwood, Myrrh, Chamomile, Tea Tree (after the first trimester) 

👉 Many women also love using their favorite relaxation essential oils in an Epsom salt bath. The Epsom salt helps to disperse the oils throughout the bath (so they don’t just sit on top of the water). The magnesium in the Epsom salt aids sore muscles & circulation too. You can do the same with a footbath…feels so GOOD on those tired sore feet! 😍

👉 Use those essential oils in a carrier oil & have your partner massage tight or irritated skin for you.

👉 Dilute some of the digestive support oils listed above & massage over your chest or belly, depending on where you are having digestive discomfort. So helpful.


Tips from Midwife STEPHANIE FRITZ:

{be sure to check out her awesome book on the subject…”Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth & Babies” + her Facebook page}

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Morning sickness:  Put 3 drops of grapefruit or peppermint essential oil into a diffuser by your bed. This sometimes helps with morning nausea. You may find waking up to these aromas helps.

Swelling, water retention & Pregnancy Edema: Lemon- use a few drops in water internally on a daily basis. “Liquid Sunshine”, super antioxidant & antibacterial properties. You can also use 3 drops Geranium, Ginger, Lemon & Lavender in a roller bottle with fractionated coconut oil & roll on ankles & feet a few times a day especially at the end of the day & massage feet & ankles in a upward movement toward the heart. Place a drop of each over your ❤.

Heartburn & morning sickness: DigestZen &/or Peppermint a drop under the tongue, rubbed on abdomen, a few drops in a capsule a couple times a day, or rubbed on the bottoms of your feet. You can also fold a tissue into a small square or cup your hands & add 3 drops of peppermint essential oil. Inhale as needed for either. Another option is: if you can tolerate it, add 3 drops of peppermint essential oil in a glass of water & sip throughout the day.

Restful Sleep &/or insomnia: Serenity especially nearing delivery

Low Back & Leg Pain & Pressure: Deep Blue & AromaTouch nightly massage is wonderful!

Sciatica: Mix 3 drops of essential oil with 1 tbs carrier oil & apply to the painful location. Rubbing a few drops of geranium on the painful location & then soak in a bath of epsom salts w/ lavender.

Congestion: Add a few drops of Breathe to your diffuser, inside cupped hands, or to a bowl of hot water & inhale steam. Place a drop of clove & thyme on the tips of your middle finger and “finger walk” middle of the nose up & out towards the cheek bones.

Depression: Place 3 drops of Lavender or Elevation & mix it with a carrier oil. Then massage it into upper back, neck & face, avoiding eyes. Wear as a perfume or diffuse Citrus Bliss.

Avoiding Stretch Marks: Add 2-3 drops each of Helichrysum, Lavender, Frankincense, 1 cup Virgin Olive Oil, & liquid from 6 capsules Vitamin E & 4 capsules Vitamin A. Apply a couple times a day starting when you feel like it.

Emotional Stress:  Add 2 drops of either Lavender or Elevation to a carrier oil & massage into wrists, neck & around ears.

Gas (flatulence): Mix 1 drop of peppermint in 1 tsp. of honey. Stir into a small glass of warm water.

Group Beta Strep: Mix 3 drops of OnGuard + 3 drops of Oregano on soles of feet am/pm

Hemorrhoids: Mix 3 drops Aromatouch and 5 drops geranium to 1 tbsp. carrier oil and apply to the area with hemorrhoids or you can do this and then soak in a sitz bath.

High Blood Pressure: Put 3 drops of ylang ylang to 2 tbsp of bath salts & mix with bath water. Bathe in the evening 2x week.

Toxemia: Mix 2 drops cypress oil to 2 tsp. of carrier oil. Massage into abdomen & bottoms of feet.

Insomnia:  Put 3 drops of either lavender or ylang ylang to 1 tbsp carrier oil & do a full body massage. Diffuse either of these oils in the air. You can also spritz your pillow with Serenity.

Yeast Infection: Mix 3 drops of melaleuca (tea tree) & 1 drop lavender with 2 tbsp of bath salts. Add to warm water & soak for 10 min.

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Pre-term labor: Lavender & Serenity. Mix 3 drops of lavender into a carrier oil & massage legs from the ankles up toward the heart. 

Breech baby: Mix 5 drops of Myrrh w 1 tbsp. of carrier oil. Massage abdomen in a circular motion ending with visualizing the baby head down.

Induction & speed up slow labor: Clary Sage- it is a uterine tonic. Place a drop on ankle reflex points.

To calm & focus Mom: Use Balance. You can diffuse or just open the bottle for smelling

Energy for & during labor: Peppermint topically, in water, or diffused.

Labor room or area: Diffuse 5-7 drops of either Serenity or Elevation into the air with a diffuser to improve over all calmness, peacefulness & happiness in the room.

Back Labor: Use a few drops of Peppermint &/or Deep Blue & massage back & apply pressure. This will relieve some of the discomfort especially with a posterior baby.

Labor pains: You can use lavender &/or clary sage & put in with 2 tablespoons of bath salts & soak in bath. Mix 2 drops of Balance in 1 tbsp of carrier oil & massage hips, bottoms of feet & abdomen. Or use a warm compress & apply 2 drops of Whisper or ylang ylang & place the wet cloth on the abdomen or back as desired.

Perspiration (Excess): Add 2-3 drops of lavender to a bowl of slightly warm water. Dip a washcloth into the bowl & wipe off excess perspiration. This will also CALM the mother down as well.

Hyperventilation: You can use 1-2 drops of any of these essential oils (ylang ylang, geranium, wild orange or Breathe & place it on a tissue or cup your hands & have mom inhale.

Anxiety: Add 2 drops of any of these oils ( lavender, wild orange, serenity) in a bowl of cool water. Soak a washcloth in the water, wring it out & use to mop the face as desired.

To avoid or minimize tearing: Mix 5 drops of clary sage & 2 drops of geranium with 2 tbsp or carrier oil massage hourly into the perineal area. If mother has torn, you can mix a few drops of Helichrysum & place it on a warm compress on the perineal area. If hemorrhaging, seek medical attention immediately. Have mother take an 00 capsule of helichrysum oil internally.

Uterine massage: Mix 5 drops of lavender, 7 drops of Whisper with 2 tbsp of carrier oil and massage abdomen until uterus is well contracted and firm.

Reflexology Points:
Precautions ~ The following pressure points should not be accessed before you reach your 40th week. Always check with your doctor or midwife before doing anything to stimulate contractions. Pressure points may feel tender, but it should not hurt you. If you feel pain, reduce pressure & make sure you have the right spot! If a contraction starts, stop the pressure & wait until the contraction ends. Then you can apply pressure again.

Thumb Point: Press firmly on the center of your thumb for a few minutes, then switch to the other thumb. This is one of the most effective points used in reflexology for inducing labor. It stimulates the pituitary gland to release oxytocin, one of the main hormones that causes the uterus to contract.

Arch of Foot : This point is located inside the arch of the foot, just in front of the heel. Apply firm pressure, but not so hard that it causes pain. This point is also very helpful in relieving intense pain during childbirth. 

Heel: Apply pressure to the point just inside the heel of the foot, aligned with your ankle. If it feels tender you’ve found the right spot.

Between Toes: Apply pressure one finger’s-length below the point between the big toe & the second toe. This point will also be tender when you find it.

Acupressure Points:

Webbing between your thumb & forefinger: Press or massage the top of this webbing. This point affects the large intestine which surrounds a portion of the uterus, stimulating contractions.

Shoulder muscle: Press & massage the highest point of your shoulder muscle.

Inside ankle: Find the point four finger’s-width above the inside of your ankle. Apply pressure; it helps ripen the cervix & strengthen weak contractions.

Outside ankle: To help the baby descend toward the pelvis, put pressure on the point between your ankle bone (outer ankle) & Achilles tendon (which runs up the back of your leg)

Lower back: This point is actually located one finger’s-width above your buttocks crease. Feel for a small indentation & massage for a minute.

Roof of Mouth: Using your tongue, press on the roof of your mouth with your tongue as far back as you can. This is a handy one you can use as you go about your daily routine.

From Robert Tisserand: New research confirms that Lavender oil helps in labor pain.

A recently published study investigated the effect of Lavender inhalation on the severity of labor pain & duration of labor. The Lavender group inhaled diluted essential oil for three minutes at three different labor stages, & experienced a significant drop in pain levels. For example 9.6 to 7.6 at 9-10 cm dilation after the intervention. There was no effect on the duration of labor, suggesting that Lavender oil does not affect labor progression.

This is consistent with the findings of a 2000 study by Ethel Burns et al, where 344 mother used Lavender oil during childbirth & 54% reported reduced pain levels, though these were not graded. No adverse effects were reported.

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Postpartum (for mom)

After birth bleeding: Clary Sage, Helichrysum, & Ylang Ylang tones things back up quickly. Place mix on ankle reflex points.

Pain & inflammation: Lavender & Frankincense on frozen feminine pads for soothing, healing, & inflammation for immediately after the birth

Cramping & Abdominal Pain: Deep blue (along with acetaminophen & ibuprofen for the first 48 hours) rubbed directly on lower abdomen

Hemorrhoids: Cypress, Geranium, Clary Sage, Helichrysum- 1-2 drops of each in a spray bottle base of Fractionated oil for Hemorrhoids. Apply each time you use the restroom.

Nipple Soreness: Helichrysum & Lavender for breastfeeding soreness (brings healing & elasticity- cut down soreness to 2 days vs. 10-14 days)

Dried or cracked nipples: Mix 5 drops of any of these oils (geranium, myrrh, sandalwood or Balance) with 1 tbsp carrier oil. Clean oils off before nursing.

Engorgement: Add 2 drops of lavender oil & 2 drops of geranium to one cup hot or cold water. Soak a washcloth in the solution, wring out & apply washcloth to breasts. After try to gently express some milk.

Increasing Lactation: Mix 5-7 drops of any of these oils (fennel, basil, clary sage or geranium) with 1 tbsp carrier oil. Massage breasts, lymph area above breasts & upper back along the spine. Repeat daily for up to 10 days. Wash the oil off the nipple area before nursing. Also you can mix 2 drops fennel oil with 1 tsp. of honey and swallow. Follow this with a glass of water. Repeat 3-5 times daily for up to 3 days.

Decreasing Lactation: Mix 3-4 drops of peppermint with 1 c. cold water. Soak washcloth in the mixture, wring it out & apply to breasts. Wash the nipple off before nursing.

Perineal Healing: Mix 2 drops of cypress & 2 drops of lavender with 2 Tbsp of bath salts. Add to warm sitz bath & soak for 10-15 min. Repeat up to 3x a day.

Yeast infection: Avoid & kill - Melaleuca (Tea Tree) in a squirt bottle when urinating. Mix with Fractionated coconut oil for Diaper rash.

Postpartum Depression: Disperse 5-7 drops of essential oils in the diffuser 3x a day ( either Citrus Bliss, Elevation, clary sage or bergamot). Mix 6 drops of either orange, geranium, Elevation or frankincense with 1 tbsp of carrier oil & massage neck, shoulders & feet. Repeat up to 3 times daily.


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First, parents new to essential oils should know that essential oils & plant parts have been used for centuries to promote wellness, & aren’t a new fad or trend, but a tried & true solution for many of life’s everyday problems. After centuries of safe use, parents can rest easy knowing essential oils have been proven safe & effective time & time again. You most likely already have products in your home that contain essential oils. The benefit of using pure essential oils on their own is it allows you to avoid the harmful toxins & chemicals often added to household products.

Before using essential oils on your children (or yourself), it’s important to understand not all essential oils are created equal. Typically, high quality essential oils go through rounds of rigorous testing to ensure the product is safe to use. Not all companies use these testing methods, & many distributors use synthetic fillers that alter the efficacy of the oils & can actually make them dangerous. It’s important to only use essential oils carefully produced & thoroughly tested to ensure safety. For example, doTERRA® essential oils are put through a rigorous testing process checking for contaminants, potentially harmful substances, & any other components that could compromise safety & quality of the oil. It’s important to choose a high quality essential oil tested & cleared for safe use before using it on your family.

Essential oils can be extremely helpful for such common occurrences as diaper rash, cradle cap, ear infection, & colic. The most important rule when using essential oils on babies is ALWAYS DILUTE more than you think you should. With infants & babies, never use an oil straight (also termed as ‘neat’). Always, always dilute. Babies skin & mucous membranes are much more sensitive than ours are as adults, & care should be taken so as not to cause any irritation. Stronger is often not better, especially when using essential oils for young children. Remember these essential oils are extremely powerful, & one drop can equal many pounds of the plant itself, so don’t fall for the thinking that you need more to help your problem.

A good rule of thumb for dilution is: For infants, 1 drops of essential oil to 1 tablespoons of a carrier oil. For children over one year, you may increase to 2 drops of essential oil to 1 tablespoons of carrier oil.

It’s also important to remember that babies senses are very heightened. What may seem mild & pleasant to you may be very irritating & strong to your baby. So avoid placing oils near the face of a small infant, even if diluted. Apply any topical oils to an infant’s back if the situation you’re in doesn’t require an oil be applied to a specific location (ie. a bite or sting where you would want to put the oil on the place the child was stung).

For more of safety when using essential oils CLICK HERE.

For infants, very few oils should be used. Chamomile, lavender, sandalwood etc, can be safely used in an extremely diluted (0.25% or less) solution for some short term ailments such as a diaper rash.

Here are some different categories & some helpful essential oils when working with children. Again, always remember to NEVER apply an oil directly to an infant’s skin. Typically, making a soothing salve, with one or more of these oils is the most effective.

  • Cradle Cap: Chamomile, Lavender, Sandalwood, Rose, Patchouli, Geranium

  • Respiratory Infections & Colds: Lavender, Peppermint (not for infants), Spearmint (not for infants), Basil (not for infants), Tea Tree

  • Diaper Rash: Chamomile, Lavender, Patchouli, Rose, Frankincense, Myrrh

  • Ear Infections & Ear Pain: Lavender, Clove (not for infants), Tea Tree, Frankincense

  • Colic & Digestive Issues: Fennel (not for infants), Peppermint (not for infants), Spearmint (not for infants), Lavender, Chamomile 

This is by no means an all-inclusive list of oils that can be helpful, but these are some favorite go-to oils for infants & toddlers. Always do your research & talk to your child’s doctor before using oils. Together you can decide if there are any other variables that would affect your choices (ie. your health history, your child’s medical history, etc).


Tips from midwife Stephanie Fritz

  • Umbilical Cord: Myrrh serves as a liquid band-aid, (avoids infection & cord tends to fall off in 3 days vs. 7-9 days)

  • Birth trauma relief: Balance along the spine and bottoms of baby’s feet-“Chiropractor in a bottle”

  • Thrush (in mouth): Mix 1 drop of tea tree (melaleuca), 1 drop of lavender & 2 drops of vit E oil with 1 tsp garlic oil. Apply 1 drop of this mixture to mother’s nipples before nursing.

  • Calming: Frankincense & lavender on the bottoms of the feet.

  • Colic: Mix 1 drop of any of these essential oils (citrus bliss, wild orange &/or lavender) with 1 tbsp carrier oil. Apply a small amount on the stomach & back. Use a warm compress to keep baby’s abdomen warm. Burp baby as baby needs if gas pains seem to exist.

  • Crying: Diffuse a few drops of Serenity or Lavender in the room where infant is.

  • Fever: Mix 1 drop of lavender to 1 tbsp of carrier oil apply to the bottoms of the feet, the back of the neck & behind the ears.

  • Diaper Rash (yeast): Mix 1 drop of tea tree (melaleuca) with 1 tbsp of plain yogurt and apply to the bottom area (avoid genital area). Other diaper rash: mix 1 drop lavender & 1 drop roman chamomile with 2 tbsp of carrier oil. Avoid the genital area & change diaper frequently.



👉 My favorite resource for this topic: Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth & Babies

👉 This article on misleading claims about oils & pregnancy.

👉 Lavender oil is not estrogenic: Click here


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