Mark and I have been planning this trip all year.  We love San Diego.  Since we were married in the San Diego Temple, it just seemed natural to go there for a big milestone anniversary such as our 15th.  We haven't left our kids for more than 24 hours to go anywhere, just for fun, since we first had Bryan.  We went house hunting before we moved here, but that was all business.  We decided it was time to take a trip together, just us.

Mark teases me that it was a culinary tour - I enjoy finding fun places to eat with great food.  I researched where we would eat on the web and made reservations a couple weeks ahead of time.

We left our kids with my mom and my sister Jamie trading off helping.  We drove out on a Thursday, checked in to the hotel and ate somewhere close by.  

The fun started the next day with going to La Jolla for a fun Kayaking and Snorkeling Tour with Daniel Woods from Beach Shoot San Diego.  He was so much fun!  He is a professional photographer and took lots of great shots while we were on our tour (even while we were snorkeling - he uses an underwater housing for his camera). We got to see loads of leopard sharks (considered harmless) and bright orange fish.  There were even seals and sea lions within arms reach of us while we were snorkeling - zipping all around us.  Very cold (even with a wet suit) but so much fun!

 Those are two leopard sharks in the front of the picture!!

Daniel took us into the La Jolla sea caves (very reminiscent of Pirates of the Carribean) both in the kayaks and again while snorkeling.

 See all the sea lions on the rocks behind us?  We snorkeled right up to them and them diving off the rocks and swimming around us!

He also planned something cool for Mark with me.  I sent Daniel a letter for Mark, which Daniel printed in a cool font, burned the edges, and stuck in an old bottle with a cork in the top.  During kayaking, while Mark wasn't looking, he tossed it in the water for Mark to find.  So fun!

 See the green bottle in the water off to the right?

See the leopard shark right in front of our kayak?!

After we got back to shore, Daniel had Mark and I go out in separate kayaks to get some fun shots.  On the way back in to shore he had us catch a big wave (we couldn't see how big because it was behind us).  We apparently caught it at the wrong time because it lifted us both in the air and flipped us!  Good thing the bottom of the shore was sandy and not rocky - we both ate some dirt on that one.

 Yes, we are pointing at yet another shark!

 See the shark in the wave just to the left of the picture?  See the noses of our kayak starting to dip under the water?  We are about to be in the water with that shark!

Yes, my husband is laughing at me...but he's next!!

That's a Harbor Seal in the wave.

After our awesome trip with Daniel, we went about a block away to eat at one of our favorite San Diego restaurants, Georges At the Cove.  We had the best seats, right next to the railing, overlooking the ocean.  The food was yummy as always.

After going back to the hotel to shower and get ready, we headed to the San Diego Temple to do a session.  We hadn't been back inside that particular temple since we were married.  It is so amazingly beautiful!  What a great way to remember our anniversary.

After that we went to eat dinner at another amazing restaurant, The Marine Room.  The staff there was so friendly.  Our waiter had worked there for nearly 30 years!  He said the people who work there are like family.  

We had fantastic seating, right up against the window where the surf kept splashing up against it.

Mark bought me their cookbook with two really sweet inscriptions inside - one from him and one from the chefs!  Anyone who knows me knows I love to cook.  I love trying new recipes and have collected over 100 different cookbooks.  Mark teases me because I will peruse them in bed at night.  He'll ask if they are cliff hangers.  You can see my cooking blog here.