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Top Ways to Support a Healthy Metabolism

Rarely will you meet a super healthy, successful person that doesn’t supplement.

Even if you were to grow all of the food you consume yourself - it's necessary to supplement because food is simply not as nutrient dense as it was years ago. And let’s be real - not many of us are growing our own food, so we’re needing help filling the void of micronutrients that our food choices have today.

On top of that, as we age it gets harder & harder to maintain our metabolism. The pounds seem to come on slowly as our metabolism slows down.

But does it have to?

I’ve personally have been making some changes in my life to improve my metabolism. I’ve been using a system of natural products called MetaPWR that’ve been game changers. These products help me crush cravings better, & I’m losing weight.

If you found this post, you’re most likely someone who’s into healthy living, so are you open to trying a natural solution to help curb hunger cravings & support your metabolism?

This new line has me so excited because it can help with weight-loss, deeper sleep, higher energy levels, more mental clarity, smoother skin & a better mood.

The MetaPWR system contains a blend of pure essential oils as a central part. And the system used together can naturally help curb cravings, support metabolism, & even keep adipose fat cells from storing as much fat.

Are you intrigued? I certainly was when I learned about it a couple months ago. I've been loving the changes I'm seeing & feeling in myself & I'm excited for you to experience the same!

Are you ready?

Let's dive in…

Ready to boost your

#1 - MetaPWR System

When breaking down this system I want to start with the foundational blend of oils that is in every single product in the MetaPWR System - it's the crux of the whole thing.

It’s the MetaPWR Metabolic Blend.

This brand-new blend brings together a perfectly balanced ratio of Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, & Cinnamon Bark essential oils to help you curb cravings & support healthy metabolic function when ingested.

The stand alone MetaPWR Metabolic Blend has been incorporated into 4 different products in the system, allowing you to take it in the ways that work best for you & your lifestyle. You have:

  1. The 15mL bottle of essential oil: My favorite way to use this is putting 2-3 drops in my water bottle each time I fill it up. It tastes great & helps with cravings all day. You can also diffuse it or use it with your dry brushing routine.

  2. MetaPWR Softgels: Between meals, you can experience the benefits of the perfectly balanced MetaPWR blend in a quick, convenient softgel. This is perfect for those who don't want to taste the essential oil.

  3. MetaPWR Beadlets: These beadlets are an effective, simple way to enjoy the effects of the MetaPWR essential oil blend & curb your appetite between meals. These are great to keep in your purse for when you're on the go.

  4. MetaPWR Satiety Gum: This delicious, energizing gum includes the MetaPWR Metabolic Blend. I love chewing these in the afternoon when I would normally be reaching for a sweet treat.


Are you ready for the next step in the MetaPWR System? Please welcome the revolutionary MetaPWR Advantage. It's been clinically developed to strengthen metabolic health by addressing healthy aging with NAD+, NADH, & collagen.

The first things I'm noticing changes in myself are with my skin, energy, & ability to focus. I noticed the energy pretty quickly. The skin changes are more noticeable now after about 1 month. I'm loving what I see (& don't see)! My skin tone is evening out & my face just looks healthier. Lines are less noticeable & sagging is reduced. I love this product you guys!

Aging markers begin to show up in your 20s. By the time you reach 50 years old, your NAD+ levels (a coenzyme found in every cell in your body that’s involved in hundreds of metabolic processes) steadily drop, therefore declining your metabolic function.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. We can lose collagen in our bodies due to UV light, tobacco use, aging, & sugar intake.

MetaPWR Advantage is made up of Collagen & NMN (a NAD+ booster), & contains nine types (yes NINE!) of collagen tripeptides which clinical research has shown to boost skin appearance by promoting skin density, increasing firmness, decreasing wrinkles, & improving hydration.

Get ready to:

  • Recover faster from workouts

  • Move better no matter your age

  • Regain new strength during your workouts

  • Optimize your metabolic function

  • Increase your mental clarity

It's packaged in a single serve packet, just add to water & reap the benefits.

REMINDER: This MetaPWR system is a holistic approach to optimizing your metabolic health & is meant to be used as a whole system.

Then we have MetaPWR ASSIST!

Last of all, but the product that has people SO DANG EXCITED is the MetaPWR Metabolic Assist.

You guys…it actually SLOWS the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose (blood sugar), so instead of a giant spike & drop in levels, you’ll experience more narrow changes or an optimal curve.

You can confirm this yourself by wearing a continuous blood glucose monitor throughout the day. Many new users are doing this & seeing the incredible difference in lack of blood sugar spikes throughout the day. Experience it for yourself!

Just take 1-2 capsules with your largest meal of each day. Each capsule contains the MetaPWR blend, active competent Mulberry leaf extract, and Cinnamon Bark powder. MetaPWR Assist has show to release glucose more slowly and lead to lower blood glucose levels after a meal.

This changes the game.

MetaPWR Assist:

  • May decrease post meal glucose spikes

  • Reduces absorption of simple carbohydrates

  • Supports healthy blood sugar responses

  • Stabilizes energy levels throughout the day

Share this with someone that you know needs this life changing product.

#2 - Lifelong Vitality Vitamin Pack

A well-balanced diet is the foundation to good health, right? And on top of that, 80% of our immune system lives in our gut. #myhusbandisagastroenterologist

When I have someone trying to deal with a bunch of different problems & they're looking to get support by using essential oils, I always point them to doTERRA's Lifelong Vitality supplements first. Many times that is huge in supporting the health they’re looking for. Then we can use the oils to support whatever is left.


It's so important we’re properly supplementing our bodies so they have the right vitamins & nutrients to keep us healthy + happy. Luckily for us, doTERRA has that covered with their foundational supplements.

Lifelong Vitality, or you may have heard it by its nickname, LLV for short, is doTERRA’s best-selling product! And that’s for good reason, because LLV supplements are made up of whole foods. The essential nutrients + powerful antioxidants are designed to help promote energy, health, & lifelong vitality. LLV is gentle on the stomach & free of any genetically modified material.

When it comes to biohacking, we love that Vitamin D3 and Omega 3, 6, and 9 can be found in our very own LLV supplements.

Vitamin D helps with energy levels, fights disease, & reduces occasional sad feelings. Take some Vitamin D & get some sunshine!

Healthy fats are essential for a healthy brain, & omega-3s are one of the best! Fish oils contain EPA and DHA, which have anti-inflammatory properties & protect the cell from damage.

Did you know that LLV has a 30-day money-back guarantee? Try it for 30 days & if you’re not satisfied, doTERRA will refund your money completely. What have you got to lose?

helpful videos:

These videos are all recordings from our national doTERRA Convention in September. You get to hear the doctors & scientists share about MetaPWR - LOVED THIS!

Start with this:

This MetaPWR System comes with all the products in the MetaPWR system so you can start upgrading your metabolic health~

It also comes with a doTERRA wholesale trial you can use whenever you want for one year, giving you 25% off on all your purchases. That means that when you reorder as you run out of MetaPWR, it will always be at 25% off the retail price!

From the link below, you can also add any other products you want to try & they'll be 25% off too. I would consider adding the Lifelong Vitality Pack to maximize your results.

Free from me:

Use the link below to make your purchase & I'll send you The Essential Life reference book as a gift from me.(only for those in the continental USA)

This book is over 500 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. You'll love this book. It's what I still turn to when I have a question.

I know you'll love this favorite.

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