Essential Oils for Energy


We all have days where it's just hard to get going. This happens for various reasons, some of which include....

👉 not getting enough sleep (that's a separate topic...yes oils are AMAZING for that)

👉 poor diet...not enough of the right nutrients

👉 afternoon funk

👉 emotions

Today I'm going to share with you the top ways we are able to "snap out of it" & get moving. Are you on board? Ready to never say "I'm Tired" again?

Here we go…


Top 3 Natural Health Tips for High Energy

#1 - Lifelong Vitality Vitamin Pack

This is doTERRA's #1 selling product ... even beyond all their essential oils - it's INCREDIBLE! Depending on where you are in the world, it's formulated to fill in the gaps in your diet. So here in the USA where I'm at, it fills in the gaps of a typical “American” diet.

It's 3 parts (3 bottles come in the box) & all 3 supplements also contain amazing combinations of essential oils to help you have more energy, less pain, better sleep, & better mood.

  1. First is your vitamin/nutrient supplement formulated with whole foods, so your body can recognize & use the nutrients

  2. Second is your essential fatty acids (if you take fish oil this replaces that … & if you're not taking fish oil, you should be 😘). Learn why right here.

  3. Third is a cellular support supplement that supports healthy mitochondria (“powerhouse of your cells”), supports mental clarity & brain function, & contains powerful antioxidants & polyphenols.

And here's the kicker - if you don't have less pain, more energy, better mood, better sleep, & just generally feel better after 30 days of using it, doTERRA will refund your money 100%! EVERYONE needs to be on a supplement, so give this incredible one a try! You'll be glad you did.

#2 - Mito2Max Supplement

I take this every single day to help me be at my best energy-wise. Here's why. I try to stay away from anything habit forming or addictive. This product doesn't contain caffeine or anything addictive. It works strictly by supporting the mitochondria of your cell. If you think back to high school biology, the mitochondria are the "powerhouses" of your cell. So this product is amazingly helpful for energy. And it's stable energy - no big highs or crashes in energy.

#3 - Citrus essential oils

I have several fave combinations of citrus oils I like to use when I'm tired. Here are a few:

  • In the morning, I love Peppermint & Wild Orange in the diffuser. I also have a roller bottle I make with these 2 oils. I roll it on my nose so I can smell it first thing in the morning ... I keep it on my bedside table.

  • doTERRA's Elevation blend combined with Wild Orange in the diffuser in the afternoon when I need a “pick me up”.

  • doTERRA's Passion blend combined with Grapefruit on a diffuser bracelet or in a roller bottle, put on my pulse points like perfume. (It's "Pure-Fume" because it isn't toxic like regular perfume).


helpful video:


Start with this:

This Healthy Habits Kit comes with the foundational supplements & oils for creating a daily health routine that will help support all of the concerns you see below.

It also comes with a doTERRA wholesale trial you can use whenever you want for one year, giving you 25% off on all your purchases.

From the button below, you can also add any other products you want to try & they'll be 25% off too.


Gift from me:


Use the button below to make your purchase & I'll send you The Essential Life reference book as a gift from me.

(only for those in the continental USA)

This book is over 500 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. You'll love this book. It's what I still turn to when I have a question.

I know you'll love this favorite.


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