Bryan is 14!

I can't believe Bryan is going into high school!  This kid amazes me with how intelligent, kind, funny, and strong he is.  He is the perfect oldest kid because he sets such a great example for his younger sister and brothers.  They really look up to and adore him.

It has been fun to watch him inching up almost weekly to his dad's height.  He grew about a foot this last year (Morgan did too).  Right now Mark only has him by about 1/2 inch.  They get into these wrestling matches almost daily.  Mark wins....barely.  They roll each other all over our big beanbag, each trying to pin the other down.  Mark knows it won't be long before the tables are turned.  That kid is strong!


The decorating of this pizza was Mark's idea - so cute!

 Bryan asked for Heath Bar Cake (a.k.a. Better Than Anything Cake).  This is also Mark's favorite.

 Grandpa and grandma Bybee and Aunt Heidi joined the celebration...

 Morgan, Colton, and Kyle pooled funds to buy Bryan a Nintendo DS game he had been wanting.

 They all love their brother (and he's pretty sweet on them too!).

 The next gift he opened was a clue to his big gift...

 It was a cover for the item pictured below...

... an ipod touch he had been begging for!

 Grandma and grandpa gave him a cute card that contained their contribution toward the ipod.

 Can you tell this boy's a little excited?

 The last gift was another from his siblings.  They had put together some clues for him all over the house and backyard - leading him to another gift...

 ...a big package of gum!

I love that these guys really enjoy getting gifts for each other.