Bryan was beyond excited when he made his high school soccer team this year.  He worked really hard to get to the point where he was good enough to do it.  He goes to a high school of 3000+ students, so tryouts for ANYTHING are SUPER competitive.  Mark and I were so excited for him!

The boys had two-hour practices every day after school, and then games sometimes 2 or 3 per week.  They worked hard and played hard.  It payed off. They only lost 2 games!

Here are some of the pictures I caught of Bryan...

About halfway through the season, we had ALL of Bryan's team over for dinner at our house after practice one night.  We made our version of Cafe Rio Sweet Pulled Pork burritos.  Those boys PLOWED through all the food and expressed thanks for dinner - sweet boys!  Here are some pics of dinner, and some more of their games...


At the end of the season there was a special banquet for the players, coaches, and parents honoring all the players and their hard work.  We are so proud of Bryan and his hard work on this team.  They were AWESOME!