Bybee Family Christmas Photoshoot

We were so lucky this year to have my entire family here for Christmas!  We hadn't all been together at the same time for several years.  One of the things many of us were excited about (men and children don't tend to get excited by this) was getting a family picture.  Thank goodness for my friend, Alisyn.  She saved me the trouble of using a tripod by snapping the shots that I was in.  The weather was beautiful, even if it was a little cool by Arizona standards.


 With our brother...

All the girls...

 My mom and dad...

 Mom, dad, me, my brother and sisters...

 Mark and I...

 with out cute kiddos...

 My brother Matt and his wife Maria...

with their darling kiddos...

My sister Jamie...

 Jamie with my kids...we miss her since she moved away from us last month!

 My sister Kacie with her husband Matt and their daughter Taylor...

 My sister Brittany...

 and my sister Heidi...

Some fun pics...

I love my family!!