Disney Caribbean Cruise - DAY SEVEN

Today we docked at Castaway Cay, Disney's private island located in the Bahamas!  Amazingly beautiful and totally fun!

First off, we said hi to Pluto and Mickey...

Next, we rented some bikes and rode across the island through the jungle.  This picture was taken from the top of a tower we climbed...

At the end of the rode we got off our bikes to take some pictures!

After our bike ride we went snorkeling in the huge lagoon.  Disney had sunk boats and placed statues underwater all over the lagoon.  Bryan and I discovered a HUGE fish (about 3 feet long), hiding out in one of the sunken ships.  It came out of it's hiding place and swam slowly towards us, causing Bryan, Kyle, and I to backpedal through the water as quick as we could.  That thing had some teeth!  When we backed off, it swam back into it's hiding place.

We followed stingrays around and chased after colorful fish.  It was a blast!

After snorkeling, we went to have lunch.  There were a couple of places on the island where everyone could go for lunch.  Since everything on the island was owned by Disney, all the food was included as part of the cruise.  They had a yummy barbecue spread for us with all the fixings!

It started to rain after lunch.  Mark, Bryan, and Morgan decided they wanted to go hang out on the ship.  I stayed with Colton and Kyle, hoping the rain would pass quickly.  It rained for about 30 minutes and it was done!  I'm so glad we waited, because the rain had chased many people back to the ship.  We didn't have to wait in any lines for our next activity...the waterslide out in the lagoon!

Colton and Kyle went down this thing over and over.  They loved splashing into the ocean and being surrounded by fish as they swam to shore.

After the waterslide we moved to a play area out in the lagoon...

We stayed as late as we were allowed, then headed back to the ship for our final night onboard.