Top 6 Essential Oils for Occasional Constipation

Take it from the wife of a Pediatric Gastroenterologist...there's a lot of poop talk around our house💩💩💩

But in all honesty - as you probably know if you're reading this ... constipation is PAINFUL. You may need to seek help from a Gastroenterologist, because belly pain can be a symptom of other serious things - not just constipation.

But once you know that's the culprit, here are some awesome & natural health tips to get things moving.


Top 6 Essential Oils for Occasional Constipation

DigestZen (digestive blend)

Rub 1-2 drops over stomach in a clockwise motion 3x daily.

In addition to topical use, one of the most effective ways I've found to use this oil is to also take 1 drop in your mouth & swallow it down with a glass of water.

ONLY use doTERRA oils for internal use. doTERRA is the brand used in hospitals because of the purity, potency + consistent results.

Other brands are almost always full of synthetics, which are extremely dangerous. Researchers studying essential oils are constantly testing across brands, & doTERRA is the “gold standard” trusted brand.

Even within doTERRA, only certain oils are labeled for internal use. DigestZen is one of these🙂

Tamer blend

Roll over stomach in a clockwise motion 3x daily.


Peppermint is a smooth muscle relaxant & works by helping the muscle of the bowel wall to relax. Check out this review of multiple medical studies on Peppermint oil for this purpose.

Peppermint Softgels (enteric coated to reach lower intestines)

doTERRA Peppermint Softgels have a high menthol content that distinguishes the best quality Peppermint from other products & helps with pain in the lower intestinal tract … whether that pain is from gas, bloating, or other digestive problems.

The cool thing about these softgels is they're enteric coated - which allows the active ingredients to pass through the stomach & reach the small intestines where it's most effective.

Adults can take 2 before meals, & kids 8 & older can have 1 before meals (works best when taken 30-60 minutes before eating).

Terrazyme Digestive Enzymes

Start with 1 capsule with each meal for the first few days. Then work your way up to 2-3 capsules with each meal. These help your body to digest + better absorb the nutrients from your food.

PB Assist Probiotic Complex

Probiotics help to populate your gut with good bacteria. 80% of our immune system resides in the gut, so this is vitally important. Take 2 capsules morning & evening on an empty stomach. The kid's version is called “PB Assist Jr". A child who can swallow pills easily can choose between the kid's version or the adult version.

Many adults enjoy switching between the adults & the kids versions, because they both contain different bacteria & the variation is helpful.


helpful videos:


perfect option for you…

When you've got any type of digestive pain, doTERRA has a really great solution you'll love. They teach you how to get relief from your digestive problems through a 3-month subscription program that saves you money (even below the wholesale price) on all the included products.

You get a shipment once a month, for 3 months, & you can even add on a selection of other products at less than the wholesale price if you wish. You can also add on any other products doTERRA carries, using your wholesale discount.

You'll also receive directions on how to use every single product you get in your 3-month subscription. After that you're still free to use your 25% wholesale discount for an entire year!

Here are the easy steps to take advantage of the program to support pain, which is called the Digestive Wellness Program:


First, get your wholesale customer account. It's the only way to access the subscription. Think of it as your doTERRA “Costco card”. Except it's cheaper (only $35 & lasts you the whole year). It comes with a magazine with lots of essential oil recipes & education.


Second, sign into your new doTERRA wholesale account by going to Login at the top right corner. Navigate to “Shop” (button is at the top of the page). Then click on “Wellness Programs”. Select the “Digestive Wellness Program".


Third, add the Digestive Wellness Program to your cart & save your cart. Your 1st month's subscription will arrive the following month … you can choose the day of the month you want your products to ship.


Here's a video about how the Digestive Wellness Program works:

what you’ll receive each month…


Welcome gift from me:


Use the button below to get your doTERRA wholesale customer account & I'll send you The Essential Life reference book as a gift from me. This is worth the cost of the membership alone guys.

(only for those in the continental USA)

This book is over 500 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. You'll love this book. It's what I still turn to when I have a question.

I know you'll love this favorite.


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