FALL BREAK trip to Sedona, Arizona - DAY FIVE

We started this day by asking the kids what they wanted to do that morning.  They decided it would be fun to hang out at the resort.  On other days we had gone swimming, played tennis, and played mini-golf together.  Today we played Bocce Ball, horseshoes, fed the ducks, and skipped rocks in the creek.

 In these pictures Mark had asked Kyle to see how high he could jump off these rocks.  I love the expressions on both their faces!

 It looked like so much fun that the other kids decided to join him...

After playing around at the resort, we went for a walk next door at Tlaquepaque.  It's a fun shopping and restaurant area built to look like an old world village.  There are beautiful art galleries and lots of specialty shops.  It's a really fun place to walk through - it's beautiful!

 That afternoon we hiked the Boynton Canyon Vista Trail.  The end point is between the two spires behind Kyle in the picture below.  The pictures after that are of us resting at the end of the trail.

That night we popped popcorn, made hot chocolate, and watched movies.  The place we stayed had a kitchen, dining area, living room, and separate bedroom.  It was great because we could make our own meals.  We brought groceries up with us and had some really yummy dinners.  We loved where we stayed and would definitely stay there again!

The next day was Sunday.  We found the ward in Sedona.  It was really, really tiny (8 kids in Primary).  They were practicing for their Primary Program, and having my kids there increased their numbers tremendously.  It was definitely different from our own Primary of 130 kids!