First Family Ski Trip - YAY!!

Mark and I have REALLY, REALLY missed snow skiing!  Neither of us had been since we were engaged, so we decided it was high time to take our family.  SO MUCH FUN!  

We went to Sunrise Ski Resort here in the mountains of Arizona.  The first day we put the kids in ski school for the whole day.  Mark and I had the day to ski by ourselves.  What a blast!  When ski school ended there was still 2 hours left before close, so we took them up and did some green (easy) runs.  Between Mark and I we created a human sandwich with the kids in between.  Our deal was that whichever one of us was in the front, they could go down the hill as fast as they wanted.  The person at the back made sure none of the kids got left behind and helped get skis back on and helped teach the kids a little bit.  We took turns being the caboose or racing down the mountain.  The next day we decided they had done pretty well so far, so we took them up on some blue (intermediate) runs.  We quickly learned that Colton and Kyle's method was to just point your skis straight down the hill and don't turn at all.  HOLY COW!  About gave me a heart attack.  Amazingly enough, they didn't do a whole lot of falling, and when they did, they just hopped right back up and kept going.  My least favorite part was when one of them would fall on a steep hill and lose a ski.  Trying to balance on one foot while trying to click a boot into your ski is not the easiest thing to do.  One time it took 30 minutes.  I had to take my skis off to help Kyle.  When he got it on he zipped down the hill, and it took me another 15 to get MINE back on.  

At the end of our two days on the mountain, we decided we needed to make this a yearly trip.  It was so. much. fun.