Great to be EIGHT! .... KYLE'S BAPTISM!

Kyle had been waiting ALL YEAR for this day to come.  He was finally getting baptized!  Although he turned eight at the beginning of May, Mark's work schedule put him on call the day of Stake baptisms for May.  We elected to wait for June since that would also make it easier for family to come and be with us on his special day.

Here are some pictures I took for his baptism announcement.  I loved them both, but I chose to use the 2nd one on his announcement.  He looks so grown up in his white shirt and tie!  LOVE this boy!!

The night before Kyle was baptized, we had a special get together including all our family that was visiting.  It was an opportunity to talk to Kyle about what it meant for him to be baptized.  He was the center of attention for the evening!

Besides our family, we had grandma and grandpa Bybee, grandma and grandpa McOmber, and Aunt Kacie!

I had asked grandma McOmber to talk to Kyle about baptism.

She and grandpa McOmber gave Kyle his own hymn book...

...and also a baptism pillowcase to color!

Then grandma Bybee talked to Kyle about the gift of the Holy Ghost.

She gave Kyle several gifts to help him remember important things about the Holy Ghost.  The first thing was a compass, because the Holy Ghost helps us choose the right thing to do.  He guides us.

Grandpa Bybee showed Kyle how a compass works...

The next thing she gave Kyle was a flashlight, because the Holy Ghost lights the way for us to know which direction to go or what to do. Through the Holy Ghost we can learn the truth (light).

Grandma Bybee had asked Bryan to talk to Kyle about the meaning behind the flashlight.  He did a great job!

Next grandma gave Kyle a quilt she had made.  The quilt symbolizes the ability of the Holy Ghost to be comforter.  He can comfort us and bring us peace when we need it.

Grandma Bybee had also made a cute poster on her computer and framed it so Kyle could use it to remember his special day!

She also gave him a special CTR ring to wear all the time to remind him to always "Choose the Right!"

Mark and I also gave him his own special journal to record the special things that happen to him or that he wants to remember.

The next morning was Kyle's big day!  We went to the Stake Center for his baptism.  There were some other kids there, but Kyle was the only being baptized from our ward that day!  That was fun because we had the room all to ourselves for the baptism, and afterwards when he was confirmed.

I love this sweet boy!!  (and his dad!!)

Here is everyone who came to see Kyle get baptized!

Then we went back to our house to celebrate.  Kyle had a few more gifts to open from Mark and I, and then he wanted to celebrate by swimming!

Mark and I gave him was his own set of scriptures...

...and a really cool football scripture case to carry them in!  You are looking at a future missionary!  We sure love our Kyle and the really wonderful decisions he continues to make.  He is one amazing kid who never ceases to make us life.  He has an excitement for life and loves to help people and make them happy.  I love all the hugs and kisses he gives me!