HaLLoWeEn fEsTiViTiEs

Halloween seemed to sneak up on me this year!  I love Halloween because it is the kickoff to the holiday season.  I LOVE this time of year.  It finally starts to cool off here in Phoenix.  We can't carve pumpkins TOO early though, or they will mold in a matter of days, because the whether is still fairly warm (possibly 90's during the day - cooler at night).  We carved our pumpkins a couple days before the big night...

Bryan was "too old" to dress up this year.  Morgan was not ready to give up the candy, so she went ahead and dressed up as an angel.  Colton and Kyle were both ninjas.  I wore a witch hat (about as dressed up as I get for Halloween ;)

 Morgan with her friends before trick-or-treating!  She has some really awesome friends!

It was a fun night for all!