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I had the opportunity to chaperone one day of Colton's 3-day cub scout day camp.  He really soaks up the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with mom (as do I with him!).  It was oh so hot out there - oh my goodness!  The only way to stay comfortable was to stay soaked.  We kept swimsuits on underneath clothes and each station had a garden hose set up for soaking down the campers and chaperones.  Despite the heat, the boys had a fantastic time swimming, shooting BB guns, doing archery, crafts, and lots of games.  Oh - let's not forget the hundreds of water balloons!  The camp lasted from 2pm to almost 10pm - long, late day for these little guys, but they came back ready for more each day!

Colton was way better than I was at archery - not surprisingly.  Good job, Colton!

Jousting using a pool noodle to hit the dragon first!

Playing volleyball using a parachute to throw the ball over