My kids quickly discovered that the person who makes the treat gets first crack at the dough, cake batter, etc.  All of them (maybe with the exception of Kyle - although he's not far behind I'm sure) have learned to make my chocolate chip cookie recipe without any help from me whatsoever.  They operate my Kitchen Aid Mixer and the oven with complete efficiency.  Their cookies are fantastic!  

During the summer they made cookies several times a week.  I was going through Costco-sized bags of chocolate chips every couple of weeks!  I discovered that they would make one pan of cookies, then whatever dough was left (several cup fulls) they doled out to anyone close-by, not forgetting themselves of course.  I can't say much...the dough is my favorite part, too!

As you can tell, when it comes to making his cookies Colton takes his work very seriously...

Morgan...not so much.