KYLE and kindergarten

Is it bad to admit how much I enjoy my time while my kids are at school?  Yes I love them.  Yes I am so glad to see them when they walk out to meet me when that bell rings.  But having my youngest start kindergarten gave me back a few hours of silence during the day - something I had been craving for so long.  I love our hectic life, but I still enjoy my down-time.  Don't get me wrong.  I am not kicking back enjoying the high life while they are gone.  That is my time to really focus on either my current fun project (like this blog, my photography, scrapbooking, etc), or something that needs to get done (cleaning, cooking, shopping, exercise).  The key is silence.  That just leaves me ready to tackle the rest of the day when they arrive home.

So back to Kyle... That kid has loved kindergarten!  He had the most amazing teacher - Mrs. Brown.  She couldn't have made the experience any better.  The following pictures are from their Easter party that I got to help with.

Easter egg relay