's great to be EIGHT!

Kyle is eight!  Eight is a particularly special age, because in our Church eight is the age at which a child can be baptized!  Kyle had been looking forward to getting baptized all year long.  His birthday festivities were kind of separated out, which made it all the more fun to celebrate over an extended period of time!  It started with a family party on his actual birthday, then a party with friends that weekend.  His actual baptism was a month later due to Mark's work schedule.  These first pictures are from our family party on his actual birthday.

The gift Kyle was the most excited about was his Nintendo DS!

I made a really special cake for his party with his friends on Saturday.  Rather than make two elaborate cakes, we did brownies on his actual birthday...

Then, on Saturday, we had a big party with Kyle's friends!  He wanted a soccer and swim party...

Our awesome friends, Sarah and Josh (who used to be professional clowns), made some crazy awesome balloon animals for all the kids.  Whatever they asked for, Sarah and Josh made.  They are so talented!

After the balloons, the kids went on a treasure hunt with clues Morgan had done...

The clues ended at our basketball court with Spongebob pinata!

Mark hung the pinata and the kids were ready with the bat!

Kyle was one happy boy!

I made him a fun soccer cake...

and then they played some soccer in the backyard, complete with ice cream cones dripping down their chests...

then the kids hit the pool...

 Everyone had a blast!

 Except Abbey, who was confined to her kennel for the duration of the party.  We had several kids who were a little shy of dogs, and Abbey loves to give lots of kisses...poor doggie.  She looks so depressed when she's not allowed to be in on the fun.  When we are in the pool she lays her head on the lower bar of the pool fence and just pouts.