Kyle's Belated Birthday

Kyle had a birthday while Mark and I were trekking across the other side of the world...the first of my children's birthdays I have ever missed.  It killed me that I couldn't be there.  I was able to make a quick phone call so I could hear his excited little voice on his special day.

The only thing that made it okay with him to have his mommy not be there to make a big deal about his special day was the promise that he could have two parties - one with his siblings and Aunt Jamie on his actual birthday, and one with us when we returned from our trip.

We didn't waste any time getting down to business upon our return...

Kyle picked out his cake/frosting flavors and then insisted on sprinkles, gummy bears, and red hots as decorations for the cake...

This was a "family birthday" year for Kyle.  In our family we do big "friend parties" when our kids are one, five, eight, twelve, and sixteen (with an exception here and there).  The other years are celebrated with mostly just our family.  We will usually allow them to have a friend or two over for our family dinner, cake & ice cream, and the opening of presents.  Regardless of what year it is, the birthday child gets to choose what they want for all their meals for the day.

This year Kyle asked for his friend, Desmond, to join us.

They had so much fun together!

Kyle's big gift from us this year was something he had been asking about for quite some time...


He asked Bryan to help him learn how to use them.  He was a little apprehensive.  Actually they are harder than they look!

 What do I love about my birthday boy?

1) Nonstop energy!

2) Persistance.  Kyle will keep trying and trying until he learns something.  If his big brothers or sister can do something, be believes he can too (and USUALLY he can!).

3) "I love you mommy!" (Kyle is really great at reminding me of this all the time).

4) Wonderful helper.  Kyle loves to help me - especially secretively.

5) So appreciative of my cooking.  This kid never tires of asking "What's for dinner?"  He always tells me how much he loves what I cook (unless it has beans - that's the one thing he doesn't like).