Mark celebrate NUMBER 37!

Mark has an ongoing joke with me where he teases me for getting old, but I always get to turn it back on him because he will always be two years older than me!  I think my dear husband is amazing.  It's so fun to still realize I married my best friend.  I've known him from when I was about five years old.  When I was seven my dad would tease me because he knew I had a crush on Mark (we were in the same ward and Primary).  I thought he was so cute when we were attending the same high school.  He knew who I was and would always say hi to me (he had no idea I liked him, and it probably wouldn't have mattered - I was 2 years younger).  It wasn't until he got home from his mission in Mexico that I had the courage to call him up and invite him to an activity with the young single adults.  He said yes and the rest is history!

I love you, Mark!


Notice the pecan pie near the cake?  That is Mark's favorite.  He requested it along with what we renamed "Better Than Golf" cake.