Morgan's Eleven!

Our cute little Morgan is no longer so little.  I can't believe how time flies!  She is growing up into a beautiful, smart, helpful, outstandingly amazing young woman!  I can't believe she will be going into Young Women's this upcoming year.  Along with the above traits she is a very silly character (as you may be able to tell from the pictures below taken at her family birthday celebration).

First we had dinner.  In our family the birthday person gets to pick all the meals for the day (they love that!!).

Don't you love the cake?  I only had three candles left so I had to use votives for the rest...

My sweet sister, Jamie, came to spend the evening with us.  She is dearly loved by all my kids.

Morgan, we all love you so much and are so glad you are in our family!  You make us so happy!!