mY sUPEr cOOl bASkEtBAll pLAyerS

I'm really glad all my kids LOVE to play ball.  I really enjoy watching them play - even if it does mean that those lazy Saturdays of yesteryear are gone.  We are up and running for most of Saturday from one game to the next.  But these kids love to cheer each other on.  They are each others greatest fans!

This year was Kyle's first year playing (we don't start them in sports until they start kindergarten).  He really tore up the court.  Now we just need to work on not trying for those half-court shots at the age of five?  How does the saying go?  It's better to shoot for the stars and miss, than to aim at the gutter and hit it?  Well he definitely shoots for the stars and is not lacking in confidence.

Amazing Kyle

Colton making the shot!

Morgan - a force to be reckoned with.

Go B-ry go!