other March happenings

I went to pickup Kyle from a playdate with one of his friends in our ward, and as I drove up I saw two kids driving this as fast as they could across the property...

Yep, it was MY SON at the wheel! Crazy kid!  He never had so much fun though!  They were taking turns and having a blast.  It'll be hard to convince him he has to wait until he's 16 to take the wheel of our cars - tough luck though buddy!

Here Kyle is at his March Cub Scout Pack Meeting... 

Morgan tried on my wedding dress for fun one night...wow!  Not ready for that yet!  Thank goodness she still has a few years ;)

Got some more pictures of Bryan at his soccer games...

Kyle played a season of flag football with several of his friends and LOVED IT!  He wants to do tackle, but I am not ready for that.  Don't think I ever will be.

Colton played flag football too with a team full of some of his best buddies.  They had a blast!

Colton at his spring band concert playing the trumpet...